Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

It's the last day of the year! Yes yes, some may say it's just another day, that may be true, but it's also the end of 2008, tomorrow will be 2009, another year that brings new things to learn, to experience. I dunno about you, but I'm excited.

To all who sat for the PMR exams, your results are out! Congratulations are in order, I believe. I do hope you are all happy with whatever results you got, because it was through your hard work, dedication and perseverance that you got those results. I thank God for you all, and I pray you will continue to work hard in the coming years. Being a student is one of the best things in life. You may not feel it, with the endless homework, assignments, projects and exams, and you may think I'm mad to say things like that. But wait till you work.. haha.. then you know that work sucks.. haha.. and studies suck less than work.. hahaha.

Today, we will be having a Thanksgiving Service at 7.30pm in church. This is the time when all those who are involved in ministry will be recognised for their hard work and dedication, a time to honour them, and also a time to honour God for His blessings upon us. Come and attend the service everyone. Even if you're not serving in any ministry, come and encourage those who are, and perhaps make a decision to serve next year. Those who are in ministry, make sure you dress nicely tonite.. haha. See you all.

Happy New Year everyone!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Photos

Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas... eh, it's past and it's almost countdown time to the New Year! Ooops.. Happy New Year then! But I was thinking about Christmas because we took some photos during our Christmas Party on the 20th (combined with Chinese youths) and also the party at my place on the 27th, these photos are on the web, so check them out huh?

We also have our new tee shirts out and I know some think it's the cartoon network we're promoting, it's not lo.. haha.. so come and get your new youth tee shirts.. only RM25 ..

This year is almost closing to an end, and the new year will soon begin... how exciting!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas is Here

Sorry haven't updated this blog for a while, things have been busy. Let's see, what have we done so far... ooo, the Gaya Christmas play went absolutely like clock work, nobody missed their lines nor their cues, it was a great performance guys, proud of you all. But it's not yet time to rest, as we still have to perform tonight during our church's Christmas Eve celebration, and also tomorrow morning service. I am really proud of you all, in that you didn't complain about the endless practices you had to go for. The Lord sees, and will bless you for your hard work.

After Gaya, we had our Christmas party combined with the Chinese youth, we had 56 youths turned up for a night of fun and celebration. I think the Christmas tree game was the loudest, absolutely, as the audience kept shouting out to the contestants to fix their star correctly. Haha, what an absolute din! But we all had fun, I almost lost my voice that night. We also had the company of Vincent, who came back for holidays, it's so good to see you again, man! We ended the night with gift exchange and even though some of us got err, not so nice gifts, but it was the thought that counts and not really the gift itself.

Christmas day is tomorrow and I pray that we will remember to share God's love to all, in words, thoughts and deeds. God bless.

Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Series

I gotta say the Christmas series of sermons we're hearing every Sunday are very interesting. We started off with John the Baptist, how he paved the way for Jesus to come and how he served God in his own way. Then after that came Joseph and Mary, and their willingness, faith and determination to carry through God's plan even though it must have blown their minds away, for Mary to see the angel appeared to her, for Joseph to hear such news, for Mary to give birth to her baby in such terrible conditions that health and safety officers will shudder. Yet, they were faithful to the end.

Last week we heard about the shepherds, and one thing that struck me was that God used such unimportant and lowly people to spread the good news about his son's birth. In today's equivalent, it's like using construction workers to spread the news of the birth of the king. It makes me think about ministry, when we're only sweeping the floor, or doing refreshment, or counting money, or flipping light switches in the back room during drama times, when we feel unimportant, unknown, and maybe we think it's nicer to be on stage where everyone can see you and you feel important, God can use us. We may be doing some seemingly unimportant job, but God sees, and he will use us.

What is important isn't what job or area we're serving, it isn't important that we're out in front for everyone to see, what is important is our heart, whom we serve and why we do what we do. If we have been serving only for recognition and glory, then we should check ourselves. If we have been feeling unrecognised and unappreciated, know that God sees and will reward. It's always good to check our hearts and attitudes every so often so that we walk the correct path.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Taken from God's Little Devotional Book for Teens

When Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes moved to Washington, DC to take up his duties on the Supreme Court, he transferred his church membership letter to a Baptist church in the area. It was customary for all new members in this church to come to the front of the sanctuary at the close of the worship service, so they might be officially introduced and welcomed. The first person to be called forward that morning was Ah Sing, a Chinese laundryman who had moved to Washington from the West Coast. He took his place at the far side of the church. As the dozen or so others were called forward that day, they came forward and stood on the opposite side of the church, leaving Ah Sing standing alone.

Finally Chief Justice Hughes was called forward, and he immediately made his way to the front and proceeded to stand next to Ah Sing. The minister who welcomed the group into church fellowship said, "I do not want this congregation to miss this remarkable illustration of the fact that at the cross of Jesus Christ, the ground is level."

Your character is shown in many ways, but one of the most obvious is the way you treat people. You will grow in character and reputation if you treat others with kindness.

"Till I die, I will not deny my integrity. I will maintain my righteousness and never let go of it; my conscience will not reproach me as long as I live." Job 27:5-6

Monday, December 1, 2008

Youth Retreat

I know we didn't have a retreat last year, which was due to time constraints and we had the IG camp in December. I know many of you still think about having a Feeding Frenzy 11 camp but I hate to disappoint you, we won't be having that.

Oh, don't get me wrong! We will be having a youth retreat all right, just not Feeding Frenzy lah. But rest assured it will just be as fun and we will have challenging games for you crazies out there! Games are my favourite, and my personal challenge when I prepare games is to make them as challenging and disgusting as possible. It always amazes me that when you're in a group, eating yucky and disgusting stuff seems fun rather than well, yucky and disgusting. Do you know how I gauge the 'success' of these games? When you actually shake your head in disbelief what you have to eat/do/perform. That's when I know I've stumped you all. Hahaha.. Of course some of my games have backfired on me, when you ask for more disgusting food! You know who you are!

So everyone, get ready for our retreat.. more news coming so keep your ears on the ground!


Holidays have been going on for half a month already and it's now December.. I think many families will be travelling for their holidays near or far. Even as I write this, I think some would be in foreign countries, and some are spending Christmas elsewhere.

We pray for journey mercies for all those who are travelling, that God will grant them safe journey and bring them safely home too.

p/s Don't forget to bring some gifts home for all of us who are not travelling! Hehe..