Friday, January 15, 2010


One of the hardest part about being in the youth ministry is letting go. We all know youth ministry has a high turnover, meaning the amount of time we spent with each youth is probably only about 6-7 years the most, assuming they start coming to youth when they enter Form 1. And while we try and mingle and talk to everyone, we're bound to be closer to a few. And when they leave us for further studies, it really tears at the heart to see them leave. I have written about this before, so I won't elaborate further.

But today, Moses left us to go Penang for his further studies. He will be reading Law there. So Jenny, Clement and I went off to the airport to send him off and we also saw Matthew there. We managed to spend an hour or so together since his flight was retimed to a later time. While there may not be tears when we parted, believe me when I say we will miss him. He's a sporting guy, always game for everything, always supportive especially in the P&W. He sings, he composes, he plays the guitar, he's just a all round friendly guy.

We may be parted, but we will always have the friendship, so Moses, take care of yourself, don't get distracted (ahem!), remember to go church, youth/cell group and we will see you when we see you! God bless, man!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fly High

You might or might not notice the changes in this page. We had a youth leaders meeting this afternoon and we've decided that this year, our theme for the youth will be FLY HIGH. This is the same theme the church used for our 40th Anniversary last year and it is fitting for us. So look forward to some more changes coming our way this year.

Today was AD JY's last sermon in CCL and I think it's a fitting one for us. One of his points was we must have a forward looking perspective, in short, to forget the past, focus on the future and press on the present. We may have done well in the past, that's great but let's not become complacent and get stuck in past glories. Let's move forward and focus on the future.

He also told us to have a healthy spiritual lifestyle, which is to live in harmony with one another, to rejoice in all circumstances, pray for ourselves and intercede for others, trust in God and be generous in our giving, of our time and our riches.

Let us start this new year on a positive note. Youth meetings will resume this coming Saturday, so spread the word, and make sure you're on time, 8pm Saturday 16 Jan, Omega Hall! Cya'all!