Thursday, December 31, 2009


YOUTHS!!!!!Today is the last day of 2009.... and as usual, our church always take this opportunity to have a 3-language combined service to celebrate, not only New Year 2010, but also to reflect back on what God has done for us... YES!!! tonight is our THANKSGIVING NIGHT service.

However, this year is a bit different, as we celebrate New Year, we also bid farewell to our dear AD John and aunt Jillian.. it is sad to hear that they are leaving us in a couple of weeks time... but, this is for the sake of the call of serving the Lord..

May God bless them everywhere they go..


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Working Hard

Earlier this year, I went to the gym for a month and my favourite equipments there were the treadmill and the exercise bike. I liked how both of these equipments have different settings, for example when I was on the treadmill, I could programme it for an uphill walk, so you'd actually work your muscles more. The same goes for the bike. I also discovered an additional setting in the bike, which is a random course. You'd start cycling on a flat surface when suddenly you feel you're going uphill so you'd have to use more energy to pedal the bike. And you start to huff and puff as you struggle up the hill when you reach the top of the hill and you start to gain momentum going downhill. You get the picture now, of course. That's why it's called random, duh!

So anyway, what's my point? I'm getting there. I was doing my quiet time tonight and the scripture was from Romans 7:13-25, where Paul talked about doing the things he doesn't want to do and not doing the things he wants to do. Read it for yourself. As I was thinking over these verses, the exercise bike came to mind. Sometimes when we ride a bike, we like to coast, you know, let the momentum carry us along rather than cycling? But as the bike loses momentum we would then have to start pedaling again to get back the speed we were at before we started to coast. So it is in our spiritual lives, sometimes we like to be carried along by the momentum, to be on a spiritual high, maybe after a youth camp, or a HS weekend and we can risk losing momentum, of going downhill. Then we'd have to start pedaling all over again.

Our spiritual lives take work. After God saves us through Christ, we must "work out" our salvation - not to earn it but to bring our thoughts and actions into agreement with His purpose. Let us not coast in our spiritual lives, but realise that it takes hard work and perseverance to run this race that is set out before us.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Parting Message from AD JY

As I had posted Bishop's message earlier, you'd all know that AD JY would be leaving us in the new year and that AD Moses would be coming to replace him. We had invited AD JY for our closing meeting for this year and he entitled his sharing to us as "To Be Found"

He asked us all this question, "What kind of person do you want to be found to be?". If your 1st response was, "Huh? say what?" then you'd be like the rest of us who were there that night, "what AD? come again?" Haha. It took me a while to get it too. He asked us what tense that was in (of course by then I became totally lost cos I'm very bad with tenses. I know how to use them, but I can't name them, go figure!) If we want to simplify it a little, it'd be "what kind of person do you want to be known as?" and he went on to tell us that the person we want to be known as, it doesn't happen in the future, it happens now. The choices and decisions we make now will determine the kind of person we end up to be. Think about it.

AD JY gave us two verses as parting gifts; the first is from Acts 13:22 "After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: 'I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.'" David did everything God wanted him to do, whereas Saul in the later part of his rule only picked and choose what he wanted to do for God. That was the difference between these two kings. The other verse was from Numbers 14:24 "But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it."

AD JY asked us to desire these things, to be a man/woman after God's own heart, and to have a different spirit and follow God wholeheartedly. Would we make that choice, that decision now? So that in the future, or perhaps even now for some of us, God would say that of us?

Monday, December 7, 2009


This year the youths will go caroling, which is something we've never done before as a group, at least. And we've joined forces with the young adults cell group as well so we should have a good mix of both youth and young adults. The reason that we combined forces is simply because we're all going out at the same day and some of us are involved in both groups so we decided it would be wise to go together.

So anyway, when we first started, we didn't have too many houses to go to, but as the days progress, we find ourselves having more and more houses to go to! At this point in time, we have 8 houses to visit, with another one to be confirmed. It's turning into a logistic problem, because we're going caroling on Sunday and Monday and many prefer Sunday!

It is a good problem to have, many houses, but a problem nonetheless. But, we should have things sorted out pretty quickly these few days.

Oh ya, DEYC has started, we have about 10 youths going so they should have a blast! Have fun everyone!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Holy Spirit Weekend

Yo yo yo! We've been sooooooooooooooooo busy we haven't had the chance to post something decent here, but .. doesn't mean it's not active! Well.. it's been a busy few months for us, so let us blog about something cool..

First up was the recent concluded Holy Spirit Weekend that we held in CCL. Jonathan was the speaker and as ever, he's a fun guy to have and to share God's Word with us. But the chief guy for the weekend has to be the Holy Spirit (I mean, we do name the weekend after Him, don't we?)In the 3rd session, when Jonathan prayed and invited the HS to come, boom... what an awesome presence that was. People were touched, tears flowed, hurts were healed, it was so amazing. Even when we finished, I was like stunned, I just wanted to sit there and soak in that atmosphere! Whew... thank you HS for that powerful visitation. Amazing, amazing time. And as a leader, I expected to pray for the youths, I didn't expect to be prayed for but God, he always has something for everyone there. There was a word for me, that really spoke to my heart and caused me to break down and rejoice at the same time. God, you are awesome! Thank you.

The next best thing was that we invited 5 friends to join us during this one day camp. Matthew brought his cousins and a classmate, Adriel brought his classmate too (or is it schoolmate) and Jared brought himself and his classmate, hehe. Alpha is really a great opportunity to invite friends to join in our activities. When we attended the Leaders Training, they told us that if you run Alpha 9 times and nothing happens, then perhaps you should run something else. I can personally say for CCL youths, this is the 2nd year we ran Alpha and we can already see a difference! The way we brought friends, everyone was so sporting and enjoying themselves. God is so good.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Redeployment of Workers and Resources - Bishop Albert Vun

When I became the bishop in 2006 we were very short of experienced clergy and pastors – because of retirement, migration and a few resignations. I have to do what I can with what the Lord had given me. So I placed the best leaders we had to look after the all the main centres. But now, a new generation of clergy and pastors are coming back from training. We are now in a better position to lead and look after all our churches. In any transfer there are pros and cons. Our primary concern must be for the good and growth of our Diocese and our churches, and secondly, to look after the development of all our workers – and in that order. All our full-time workers must realize that we have to make sacrifices for the sake of the church. My role is to place the most suitable workers in the churches or mission districts that will bring about the best growth in spiritual maturity and numbers. I sense that at the turn of the new year 2010, we are entering a new season for our Diocese. We will be focusing more on training, on development of small town churches, on further strengthening of our interior churches toward self-supporting status, on further building up of the quality/competency of all our clergy and pastors, on strengthening the networking of our churches, and further expansion of our churches and mission work. With your willing spirit to serve, strong commitment and obedience, I believe that this redeployment of workers will impact the Diocese positively. The following are my observations in any transfer:

• The churches benefit from the different gifts of the different pastors.

• The Diocese benefits because members from different areas feel more “belonging”
when they move to another Anglican church in another town because they know more pastors and they know of a clergy in the town they move to.

• The local churches experience a renewal of leadership.

• The workers acquire a wider vision of ministry – rather than just be concerned for one church/town.

• The workers will also grow in their leadership because they move on and are exposed to different challenges.

• Collectively, we raise up workers who are resilient and strong in endurance.

• Some clergy/pastors may not be able to “lead a Church” and would be more suited to serve in a team environment. We may discover this only after the person has served a period in a particular posting.

• Some clergy may be posted because of strategic development of certain areas of ministry that need a particular kind of leadership.

• A core group of senior leaders will be developed who have a wide experience of leadership and ministry, who will be confident to lead the Diocese and the Province in the future. Indirectly, we prepare for succession of leadership in our Diocese.

The cons are that if the church has a large vision, there is a need for longer continuity of leadership to fulfil the vision. And a change of pastors obviously requires the congregations to get to know the new pastors.
Therefore, I must balance the pros and cons. Only when there is a net gain do I consider the transfer. I am also trusting (taking a risk) in putting some of our younger clergy/ pastors in charge of churches which will help them to rise up in their leadership. I am asking all our churches to receive their new priests/pastors with gratitude and welcome. I am taking steps to “rearrange” some of our churches’ boundaries so that all churches, schools and special ministries are better looked after and the boundaries are clearer.

Rev Jeremiah Liew - Semporna/Kunak (from June 2010)
Rev Lin Khee Vun - FCC/Theological Upgrading
Canon Chak Sen Fen - St Michael's/St Gabriel's/St Michael's School/Seguntur
Archdeacon John Yeo - St Patrick's/BSI School/Apas/Lamb of God/Nunukan & Semenggaris
Archdeacon Moses Chin - Christ Church/St Agnes'/ARK/Diocesan Rep to STS
Rev Clarence Fu - St Luke's Telupid (assists Bishop Melter)
Rev Lim Chin Liang - St Stephen's & St Stephen's School
Rev Chin Pit Vun - Good Shepherd/St Monica's/Sibuga School
Rev David Wong - Good Tidings'/St Patrick's schools' Chaplain/Kindergarten
Rev Lau Ay Kuen - Papar/Habismadin assisting - till June 2010
Rev Clarence Chin - Tarakan/Kalimantan
Ps Sim Shiu Kee - Labuan - Holy Saviour (In-Charge)
Rev David Thien - Labuan (assists Ps Shiu Kee)
Rev Victor Leong - St Patrick's (assists AD John Yeo)
Rev Daniu Tawai - St Augustine's Mission District
Ps Rojie Songkia - Kunak Anglican Church
Rev Jeniol Tuaty - St Andrew's Beluran (assists Rev Arun Kuak)
Rev Aaron Chang - Putatan, Logos Anglican Church/Papar from June 2010
Rev Anderias Banabas - St Philip's (Supervised by Bishop Albert Vun)
Rev Johnny Mailuhu - Tuaran & Kota Belud
Ps Flora Chong - Diocesan Intercessor Coordinator
Ps Ivy Long - Christ Church (assists AD Moses Chin)
Ps Lydia Chang - Bishop's Chaplain/Diocesan Training
Ps Chong Fui Yun - Bishop's Chaplain/Diocesan Training

Taken from

Holy Spirit Weekend

Some of us attended the Young Adults Holy Spirit weekend 2 weeks ago and I believe our faith was strengthened by the sessions conducted by Jonathan & Rev Chor Kee. During a prayer session, we allowed the Holy Spirit to minister to us, and as I was praying, Jonathan came and prayed for me. I believe the Holy Spirit prompted him to pray for me a specific issue because as soon as he said it, my heart was ministered to. It was something that I needed and I thank the Holy Spirit for that gentle touch of refreshing me and also bringing about healing. I won't go into details but needless to say, it was a great time.

I write this to encourage us to come for the Youth Holy Spirit weekend on the 21 November which will be in Christ Church itself. We shall start at 9am, stay overnight and end after Sunday service. Come with expectations and be ministered to in our spirits. Jonathan will also be speaking to us and I believe this will be a great time, not just having fun with one another, but specifically, spending time with God.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What Music Says About You

Taken from Reader's Digest Oct issue: A massive study of more than 36,000 people around the world, conducted by Professor Adrian North of Heriot-Watt University in Scotland, has determined which of six character traits apply to lovers of each genre.

BLUES - High self-esteem, creative, outgoing and at ease.

ROCK/HEAVY METAL - Low self-esteem, creative, not hardworking, not outgoing, gentle, at ease.

RAP - High self-esteem, outgoing

OPERA - High self-esteem, creative, gentle

COUNTRY & WESTERN - Hardworking, outgoing

SOUL - High self-esteem, creative, outgoing, gentle and at ease

REGGAE - High self-esteem, creative, not hardworking, outgoing, gentle and at ease.

DANCE - Creative, outgoing, not gentle.

INDIE - Low self-esteem, creative, not hardworking, not gentle.

BOLLYWOOD - Creative, outgoing.

JAZZ - High self-esteem, creative, outgoing and at ease.

CLASSICAL MUSIC - High self-esteem, creative, introvert and at ease.

CHART POP - High self-esteem, not creative, hardworking, not at ease.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How can I be sure of my faith?

Today in Alpha we learnt about how we can be sure of our faith, that's through God's promises in the Bible, Jesus' work on the cross and the witness of the Holy Spirit in our lives, changing us from inside out. What was great was the discussion time, where the question was posed; 'that being a Christian changes us - our personality and character. What sort of person would you really like to be?' The boys talked about wanting to be more trustworthy persons, more faithful, more patient, able to walk the talk (or talk the talk & walk the walk) and less lazy. Why it made an impact was because they talked honestly and freely about some of the challenges that they face in their lives, and the ways to overcome them. That was a great time of discussion.

5 of our youths received McD vouchers for bringing new friends, it's a little something to reward them for their effort, thanks everyone! Hope you will enjoy your 'gift.' (Julia, we still owe you yours, hehe)

We also announced to the youths tonight that Stephanie will no longer be serving in the youth ministry from next week onwards due to her other commitments. We thank her for faithfully serving all these years and we pray and wish her all the best in her future undertakings. Thanks, Stephanie for your contribution and support in the youth ministry. We will, of course still see her in church!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mooncake Harvest Event

Hello everyone! this Saturday we won't be having youth meeting but we're all coming to support the Mooncake Harvest Event, which promises lots of goodies, lots of drama and of course a real good time. As is evident on many occasions, whenever the youths are together, no matter where we are, we will always have a good time! (Remember? those who were stranded in Telupid waiting for an non-existent bus?)So come and attend this function.

As if that's not good enough for you, I just want to tell you that there will be a dance presentation from us during that Event, and I've been told it's all new moves, no copy-cat dance steps, original, fresh and exciting! Geng or not? Don't you wish Saturday was here already? Hang on hang on.. it'll be here soon enough! And for our buddies who are over the sea(s), I'll be videotaping the dance and the general horsing around (oops) to show you how much you're missing, and for you to have sweet memories of when you were in youth and all the crazy moments we had.. which, of course we're not going to state here la.. our parents or other adults reading this might not be able to handle it.. hehehehehe

Last but not least, I want to tell you that there is something special for those who will be coming for this EVENT! truly.. special, once a year kinda thing. I promise. So... 'nuff said, we will see you this Saturday 10 OCT 7.30PM CCL

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Launching of Alpha

After all the preparation, Youth Alpha was launched this evening. I was really pleased to see four new friends tonite, and we announced tonight that our members who brought new friends will get something nice next week. This goes on for the whole 10 weeks of Alpha, whoever bring new friends will get something nice as an appreciation of their effort. A few weeks ago, we had a short time of reflection on who we will bring for Alpha and I'm glad to note that these four friends were among the names that were written and prayed for to join us. Praise the Lord for answering our prayers!

All the youth leaders worked together to make sure everything ran smoothly, from the sound system, worship, setting up of the hall, refreshment and also the sharing. Thank you leaders for your hard work.

The BM youth nicely swapped halls with us so we used Alpha hall tonite, and will do so for the rest of the Alpha course. The setting up was really nice, with pillows and sweets all ready for everyone. I think the pillows were the most sought after tonite, everyone was grabbing them, especially the big plushy ones! I hope they will last the whole 10 weeks, what with everyone having pillow fights every so often! BUT, it's all part of the fun tonite!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Meaning of Life

What is the meaning of life? Is there more to life than what we're going through now? Wake up, get ready for school, breakfast, sleep in car on way to school, lessons, tuition, homework, dota etc.. is there all that there is? Maybe wait till you leave secondary school, go college/uni, get a degree, get a job, get a wife/husband, get children.. grow old, die. Full stop? Is that what life's all about? Or is there more to life than that?

Have you ever wondered about these things? Do you have questions that you wish someone would answer them? Is there a way to fill the emptiness that you feel inside you?

Come attend youth alpha, a course which is designed for teens to explore and discover what is this thing they call Christianity, the people who call themselves Christians, that Jesus person that they follow.. a course which allows you to ask questions without making you feel like a weirdo.. come..

We invite you to join us for 10 weeks starting from 26 Sept till early Dec, every Saturday nite at 8pm - 9.30pm at Christ Church Likas Alpha Hall. You need help getting there? Call us at the church office at 426313 during office hours and we'll help you. Come join us!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kimchi Lover - cont

Oooo.. Jen, I found another favourite of yours, happy eating:

Korean Kimchi Fried Rice

1 cup of kimchi, drained, chopped
2 cups of steamed rice
2 tbs sesame oil
1 teaspoon of korean chilli paste
1 teaspoon of korean paprika powder
salt and pepper to taste

saute kimchi until fragant
add paprika powder, rice, the rest of the ingredients
stir well, taste, serve hot

Kimchi Lover

This is dedicated to our dear Jenny, who not only has a craving for coffee, now has developed a taste for Korean food, specifically kimchi.. so this is for her:

Traditional Kim Chi Recipe

By Dr. Ben Kim


Napa cabbage - approximately one pound
4 cups of cold water
3 tablespoons of sea salt
1 tablespoon of fresh garlic, finely chopped
1 tablespoon of fresh ginger, finely chopped
1 tablespoon of fresh green onions (scallions), finely chopped
1 teaspoon of dried red chili pepper flakes (more if you like things spicy, less if you don't)
1 1/2 to 2 teaspoons of sugar


Separate and wash cabbage leaves. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of sea or kosher salt evenly on cabbage leaves. Place salted cabbage leaves in a large bowl, add 4 cups of cold water, cover with plastic wrap, and place in refrigerator overnight. Be sure that water covers all cabbage leaves - place a plate or other heavy object on top of leaves to ensure that they stay covered with water.

The next day, pour off water and thoroughly rinse cabbage leaves. You can shake them gently in the sink to remove excess moisture.

Place cabbage leaves back into large bowl and add garlic, green onion or scallions, ginger, dried red chili flakes, sugar, and 1 tablespoon of salt. Use your hands to rub seasoning evenly into all cabbage leaves. Be sure to use gloves to do this, otherwise, your hands will burn from the chili flakes. If you are pressed for time, mix seasoning ingredients with about a cup of warm water before adding them to cabbage to allow for easier distribution on cabbage leaves.

Transfer seasoned cabbage leaves into a large glass bottle. Be sure to use firm pressure with your hands to push down on cabbage leaves as they stack up inside the bottle. Transfer any liquid that accumulated during the mixing process into the bottle as well - it will become kim chi brine. Some liquid will also come out of the cabbage leaves as you press down on them as they are stacked in the bottle.

Leave about 2 inches of room at the top of the bottle before capping it tightly with a lid. Allow bottle of kim chi to sit at room temperature for 2-3 days.


Hi y'all... finally managed to upload the photos we took at the wildlife park onto Picasa.. so check them out using the link by the side of this page ya? Enjoy..

And we have a picnic coming up this Saturday 29th Aug. It will be in the morning, don't groan, the reason we have a morning picnic is to avoid the afternoon rain that we get these days. If you haven't received a sms from Jenny by now, you better msg her quick and find out the place and time ok? Bring an extra set of clothing.

Have fun everyone!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

School Holidays Are Here Again

Ok, so it's a few days before the start of school holidays, no matter, we can wait! But school's out once again, everybody say yea! And we've got 2 programmes planned for everyone, starting with a visit to the Lok Kawi Wildlife Park this coming Saturday! When we mentioned this last Saturday, there were a few requests; ie, a few animals that they wanted to see. Moses wanted to see dinosaurs, and Adriel wanted to see penguins. Poor things, they were pretty delirious then but I promised them they will see these 2 creatures, never mind that dinosaurs are extinct and it's too hot here for penguins, they'll see them. So just wait and see, all right?

So, Wildlife Park.. some things you need to bring, which I will state here in case you didn't get Jenny's mass messaging to everyone.Hats, cos it's so hot and I hate to see anyone getting sunstroke; water - again, since it's so hot you will lose fluid, and a pen, cos we'll be doing something with that pen.. so bring that ok? The rest no need say one, like money etc and wear comfortable shoes, please. Duh!

We meet in church at 8.30am, The Van, Jen and the van will leave church at 9am so do be punctual!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Always In My Heart

Hi ladies and germs, greetings from Christchurch, New Zealand! Are you missing me? Having fun without me? I knew it! I'm gone one minute and everyone goes, "Caroline? who's Caroline?" Yeah yeah yeah.. no need explain la, I'd do the same when YOU go off for hols.. LOL

Anyway, a little bit about my hols here. It's cold! We have to wear 4 layers when we go out; a tee shirt, 2 sweaters and then the heavy coat. Groan, I do miss my shorts, tee shirt and sandals. But it's nice to see snow.. oh yeah, we were like sakai-s when it started snowing. Kinda like yoyo snow ice.. only it's falling from the sky and you hope it's clean! Hehe. It didn't snow in the city, but while we went picnic at a lake (and I had to use the bush when I needed to go, if you know what I mean) Don't ask me bring home some snow k? If you do, I'll just scrap my fridge for some ice when I get back!

Here you don't see pilaks (thank God!), people are well mannered (most of them, anyway), the public toilets are clean, proper flush, dry, doesn't smell, got toilet paper, running water (something unheard of back home), but you can't get nasi lemak or roti canai at every street corner. I don't miss the mamak, but miss the food. Speaking about food, I've bought a packet of.. something for you all. What is it, you say? Just a clue.. since Jenny likes coffee so much, just leave the 'black' ones for her, ok? hehe.

See you all soon, don't 'kit' Jenny too much ok? Be good!

Behind The Building

This is taken from today's devotion from Daily Bread.

Where we were working was hot, dirty and it smelled bad. We had travelled thousands of miles to do some work projects, and on this day we were painting the back of a classroom building at a school for the deaf. The only people who would ever see this part of the building would be the guy who cut the grass and any unfortunate person who would have to work on the septic pit.

Yet, as the young adults diligently painted away, one of the girls, Melissa, put it in perspective by saying, "Nobody will ever come back here to see this, but God will see it. So let's make it look nice." And so we did.

Sometimes we sit at our desk and think no one sees our work. Or we stand at a line assembling items after endless items. Perhaps we take care of crying babies in the church nursery. Or we live the best Christian life we can - without anyone noticing.

Often our work is "behind the building." But if that is what God has called us to do, we need to work with all our heart. As part of our calling to love others deeply (1 Peter 4:8), offer hospitality (v9), and use our gifts to serve others (v10), our task is to work with God's strength to bring praise and glory to God, not ourselves. The important thing is that God likes what He sees.

Though others may not observe us, and see how we serve God today,
Our job as servants of Jesus, is to please Him in every way.

Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Corinthians 15:58)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

New Videos Out

There are some new videos out.. check them out at

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Yo everyone! Some info on Saturday's show.. we will be watching Transformers at GSC KK 7pm show.. Please take note.. GSC KK 7pm.

When you see this, please spread the word.. I also need you to either sms Jenny or me, Caroline, to confirm your attendance. I need to buy tickets these 2 days. Anyone who informs me only on Saturday will risk sitting alone in some dark corner in the theatre.. assuming you will get a seat. So please.. start spreading the word and sms Jenny and I!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Away From Home - Back For Holidays

Over the past week or so, a few of our senior youths are back home for their summer holidays. I shouldn't call them senior youths, should I? Maybe call them ... young men. Haha.. Doug, Thomson, Melvyn, Ronny and Leon came back and last night we went out for CB with Jenny, the SS and Hannah T. It was really nice to see them again and I can't remember the last time so many of them came back at the same time. Mostly it was one here or two there. It was good that we sat outside CB cos we really laughed a lot over jokes served mainly cold and good natured ribbing.

It's truly nice to see them all growing up and doing well in their studies and work and also that we can still get along. Perhaps we might not click as close as before but that's a fact of life. There's always the future for us to click, isn't it? Great to see you all back!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Amazing Time

We had a great weekend oh, didn't we? It all started on Sat morning, when a few of us met up in church to load up Jenny's tank, aka her dad's hilux with the props. So we had Edwin up on the hilux trying to organise the props, with all the odd angles and design which included 3 door frames, 2 signboards: one big and one small and an altar, side rails. So there we were, all sweating in the sun while Edwin tried to sort out this jigsaw puzzle. Ok ok, so only Edwin was out in the sun while we stood in the shade waiting for him (besides, doesn't he need to be out in the sun doing something about his skin?). Then Adriel couldn't resist sun-tanning as well and got up on the car to help Edwin (well, we might have forced Adriel a bit.. it's ok lah.. u don't need to know that.. hehehehe). Meanwhile, Luiz had called up everyone and said don't leave without him while he was at tuition. Then Adriel, Jacqueline and I left in my car to tapau some food and drinks while we left the Siehs to seek professional help (ooo.. that kinda came out wrong.. I meant we had professional help loading the hilux, hehe) and pick up Luiz on the way. While we tapau, I of course nicely remembered Luiz (ahem!) still stuck at his tuition centre, and called Jenny to remind her about him. Jenny by that time had gone halfway to the hotel and forgotten about waiting for Luiz! Urgh.. luckily we were still at the Likas shops.. hmmmm... so we waited for this one lost sheep then we were off.

By the time we got to the hotel, it was 12 and we only managed to start rehearsal about 12.45pm. Jenny had to make some adjustments to the formation because the space was really tight. The ballroom had 52 tables so Jenny decided that the marchers had to take small petite steps now. A round of applause for Jenny for adapting the formation, and also for the marchers who took everything in their strides. We managed to finish rehearsal at 2pm and then it was off to a late lunch. Adriel had to go tuition (sob sob) and while Jenny, Edwin, Luiz and I were at yoyo, he sent a sms to Luiz saying he misses us so the 4 of us decided to all send him sms telling him we were in yoyo while he's in tuition, and not to miss us so much, it was worth every 3 sen it cost us to send him the sms.. lol! Yoyo.. NICE..

Jenny, Edwin and I got to the hotel by 6pm. Jenny and I were dressed nicely while Edwin came in his school uniform.. awww.. Edwin could still pass for secondary school student ba, aiseh.. The marchers were all in school uniforms and some were borrowed since a few of our youths are drop outs.. oh sorry, I meant, graduates from secondary schools, hehe. You know, that night we saw a lot of clones walking around.Let's see, we had 2 Luizs, 2 Aldens, 2 Jacquelines (those 2 scary oh, even hairstyles also similar ooo), 1 Hannah (but the real Hannah was walking around wearing normal clothes while the Hannah clone wore uniform ~ isn't that a great reason to have a clone?), 2 Adriels (scariest.. as if this world needs 2 of them) Hahaha.. sorry guys and girls, I can't resist pulling your legs. One auntie actually told one parent, "kesian your girl still wear school uniform come to the dinner." But you all were amazing! I had so many good reviews of your performance. Your entrance was really spectacular and suited the occasion oh. You all look great and did great too. Luiz kept good control of the flag while going past the VVIP table so he didn't wipe their faces and hair with it nor did he poke anyone in the stomach with the flag pole (Am sure Puan Lorna was relieved too!)

After their performance, everyone changed to their dinner dress/shirts. Wah.. I didn't know you can look so good one.. lol! (Aiyo, I should stop writing liao, but I know those away from home are all reading this and laughing hard) But Jenny and my work were not done yet. We still had to make sure the rest of the scenes went well and they did, praise the Lord. Everyone had fun and laughed a lot. And I noticed everyone took a lot of photos. Check out fb and picasa for these photos ok? I'll try load up the photos from the official photographers when I get them.

After the dinner, we waited for most people to leave before we loaded up the props back to the Hilux to ferry them back to the church. Halfway through the journey, I saw the big signboard had flipped backwards and hung out the back! We had to stop halfway while the guys fixed that. Whew.. luckily there weren't any incident. We got back and unloaded everything, then it was off to McD for a drink. Poor Clement, he wanted to come along but he's a church staff now working during his month long school break and he had duties hanging balloons at the front porch so he couldn't join us. Don't worry la Clement, there will be other times!

What a great way to end the night, drinks with good friends! Praise the Lord for His goodness, our celebration went well, everyone was happy and I'm sure our Lord was happy too! Glory to His Name!

Friday, June 19, 2009

40th Anniversary Dinner

So.. after all the preparation and practices, tomorrow we will be having Christ Church's 40th Anniversary Dinner. We youths will be the opening scene of the drama so make sure all your uniforms are washed, ironed and all clean ok? It will be a blast, I'm sure of it.

I take this opportunity to thank all the youths who are involved in this drama, from being marchers who look real good in formation, to those who're helping out in the backdrop and scene change. A special mention goes to Jenny, who have tirelessly shouted and drilled you all in your formation. I'm sure the guys give her a headache with their clowning around.. and going to toilet at the least convenient moment of rehearsal! Thank you Jen for your energy, drive and your support! You're the best!

Lastly, don't forget to bring your dinner tickets tomorrow night, because tickets are needed for admission! Someone gave me a scare this afternoon... o_o sms me say he lost his ticket! Urgh... he found it finally under the PSP.. the rest of you.. please make sure you have your tickets ah! See you all tomorrow rehearsal at 12pm in the hotel!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Yo yo wassup everyone.. busy having fun during your hols huh? Enjoy while you can.. hehehehehe.. anyway, some news & notices for this week:

Saturday 13th June - youth meeting is cancelled because church has drama practice for the upcoming anniversary dinner.

Sunday 14th June
- please collect your dinner tickets from me during Sun service ok?
- Joel is having a farewell party from 4-8pm at his home: Radiant Heights. If you don't know directions, it's the road before Seri Insan. Please throw him in the pool as many times as you can, hehe, bring change of clothing and towel, and he's going to provide a great banquet for us (at least, his parents are) so come and join in the fun! Joel will be leaving us soon to study in Perth and we will truly miss our emo guy who's not afraid to try new and different hairstyles!

Saturday 26th June
- as you know we will be having a movie nite and I think Transformers will be the show that's coming out that week. Consider yourself notified that we will be going to watch this show as a youth group so don't watch it by yourself first ok?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


It was only 2 nights ago as I was looking through my camera that I realised that we took pictures during our Water War in April. So.. the photos are now uploaded in picasaweb.. enjoy.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Healing Night

Tonight was the 2nd programme for our anniversary month, yes, in case some of you don't know, Christ Church is celebrating our 40th Anniversary this month and Chillin was the first programme, Healing Night was second. We had songs and testimony tonight and of course a time of healing and prayers. It was a really great evening.

We have a group from USA joining us in our celebration, Chozen. They are a talented group and man.. we were treated to great music tonight. If you like jazz/blues, then this is the group for you. I truly enjoyed their singing.. it ministered to me, and I believe to many, if not all that were there tonight. The testimony was also touching, one sister shared how God healed her of cancer.

Wednesday there's a Worship Night at 8pm in church, so please.. you all gotta come. It's really great to be ministered to so cancel all your other plans and come!

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Last night we had Chillin', an outdoor event that was held at the church front porch. But some of us got to church at 2pm, summoned by our leaders to start preparing stuff for the night. Our Eng youth was in charge of food and we came to cut, chop and cook cucumber, sausages, fish balls etc. I think even though we came to work, it was still fun cos we were together, talking and laughing and chatting. Well, the girls were sweating in the kitchen chopping all the vege and fruits while the boys enjoyed the air-cond hall making cones for the kacang. But guys also had their work too, carrying water and heavy stuff like chairs.. we all have our parts to do ba..

The first people who turned up were the senior citizens! I had many people coming up to me and asked.."isn't this a youth event?" well, it's a church event la and everyone's welcomed. Sure they didn't play the games but it was more of a family gathering, with things for everyone. We started off with welcome and announcements by Jonathan and Alvin, who's the chairman of the anniversary committee. Then it was songs and games and food throughout the night. Pastor Lydia also came up to sing a song, as did Archdeacon John. Wah.. that was real cool oh, as everyone was so sporting.

We praise God everything went well, from the excellent weather, to the great turnout of people, to the Eng youths for ur hard work.. give urself a big clap on the back for job well done. I hope you all had fun.

A special mention goes out to my youth leaders for their hard work. They worked tirelessly and without complaints, helped out wherever they could and still had happy smiles on their faces the whole night. I'm proud to serve together with you and last night was a success in no small part to your contribution! Proud of you all!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hands up those who've never heard this, dunno what it is nor done this before! I'm talking about DISC, of course, something we all discovered last Saturday during our youth meeting. Pei San was nice enough to come and facilitate us while we took the little test.

There were 28 questions in that first page and you were supposed to tick an answer that are most or least like you. Oh boy, we forgot to bring a dictionary, big mistake, cos there were so many words there that we don't know the exact meanings to, like: conscientious, amiable.. urgh. So anyway, DISC stands for Dominant, Influential, Steadiness and Cautious/Compliance.

We had fun learning new words and discovering ourselves. It's our traits, our personalities and why is it more important than having fun is to help us understand why we react differently to other people, and how do we use this to our advantage. Hmm.. I hope my explanation is correct.

So for those of you who've never done this before, try it.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Stop The Mindless Yapping!

Taken from GLDBT


A young attorney, just out of law school and beginning his first day on the job, sat down in the comfort of his brand-new office with a great sigh of satisfaction. He had worked long and hard to savour such a moment. Then, noticing a prospective client coming toward his door, he began to look busy and energetic. Opening his legal pad and uncapping his pen, he picked up the telephone, and cradling it under his chin, he began to write furiously as he said, "Look, Harry, about that amalgamation deal. I think I better run down to the factory and handle it personally. Yes. No. I don't think three million dollars will swing it. We better have Smith from Los Angeles meet us there. Okay. Call you back later."

Hanging up the phone, he put down his pen, looked up at his visitor, stood, extended his hand, and said in his most polite but confident attorney's voice, "Good morning. How might I help you?" The prospective client replied, "Actually, I'm just here to hook up your phone."

Many a foible or flaw
Need not show..... for
If you don't say so,
Others won't know!

There's an old saying that goes, "A shut mouth gathers no foot." Sometimes the best thing to do is just keep your mouth shut!

Don't talk so much. You keep putting your foot in your mouth. Be sensible and turn off the flow! Proverbs 10:19

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Advice ~ What To Do With It

Taken from GLDBT


After arguing heatedly for several hours about which type of water main to purchase for their city, the town council of Pacific Vista was still deadlocked. One member suggested, "Let's appoint a committee to confer with the city engineer at Los Angeles to find out which type they have found to be most successful over the years. If we can profit by another city's mistakes, I think we should do so."

Leaping to his feet, an angry councilman - obviously full of civic pride but with little discretion - replied, pounding his fist on the table, "Why should we have to profit by the mistakes of Los Angeles? Gentlemen, I contend that Pacific Vista is a big enough town now to make its own mistakes!" (duh!)

Most of us are surrounded by good advice at any given time.
  • The books in our libraries are full of it.
  • Pastors proclaim it weekly.
  • People with highly varied experiences and backgrounds abound with it.
  • Schools give access to it; labs report it.
  • Commentators and columnists gush with it

But all the good advice in the world is worth very little if it is ignored. Be one of the wise - value and apply the advice you receive.

Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice. Proverbs 13:10

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Testimony - Marriage ~ Stephanie

Poor Caroline.....Putting up her testies.....let me Put up Mine. it shows what a youth leader and a friend i am.. (*coughs*)

I went to this marriage Counseling with Stanley. it was for 6 weeks
i was like forcing my self to go because i think it was a right thing to do.
Then the first day/ lesson was thought by our own A.D. Yeo... and pastor Moses.
it was ok at what A.D Yeo had taught us that night.

How to have a Long Christian Marriage.. is to Have God in a couples life. when 1 of the couple (man/ wife) putting / seeking God and the other 1 did not really put God first, the marriage will not go on that well in a christian homes or in families.
But when the 1 of them (man/ wife) put or seek God together, the marriage will be lasting in christians family homes.

Now..A.D Yeo didnt mean...U seek God or Put God in our Lives than our spouses. like ( Oh, i have to God first, can't think of my Bf / Gf when she is in trouble..) no. But What A.D Yeo means, that the couple come together and seekin God, putting him in their life's, is to have a lasting christian family for marriage couples.

Then for the other 5 weeks.... we been learning how to listen to each other, communication, and patiences, learning what we want or what are we expecting from our spouses.

Testimony - My Say ~ Vanessa

Hey guys, here’s my wee testimony (although very much overdued..oops sorry boss!) Anyway, here it is (better late than never! ). It was the Easter period of 2007 and I was in my final year of university in Glasgow. That year, the church I served at organised an outreach easter event especially targetted to its surrounding neighbourhood. Now, this neighbourhood isn’t the normal pleasant, safe neighbourhood where you’ll often see ‘lil old ladies sipping tea in their gardens, everyone walking about all smiling etc… in fact, you’ll see the total opposite. Crime rate, drugs, alcohol and juvenile crimes were high. Amidst all this taking place, our church geared up our members to give out flyers to invite people to our easter event.

I remember that evening very clearly. It was rather chilly as spring had just arrived and the night had just set in. We set out in groups, each assigned to cover the grounds of different blocks. I was assigned with my cell leader and after prayer with the rest of the team at church, we eagerly set out. I must admit……. I was terrified! (haha now can admit lar.. at that time, just have to ‘tahan’). I will never forget the first doorbell we rang. As the door opened, smoke and the smell of alcohol greeted us. We could see that the man who answered the door was rather tipsy as hehad trouble balancing himself. Nevertheless, we warmly invited him to our easter event and gave him a flyer. The night continued on with more and more of such scenes and I realised how much these people needed God. They just didn’t know it themselves.

The night was getting late and we were at our last door. We rang the doorbell and to our surprise, a cheerpy lady opened the door. With her strong Glaswegian accent, she asked “ Are you all from the church down the road with the pretty Easter mural? I was just looking at it today and here you all are! Come , come in!” (wow! Talk about God-sent , huh?) We went in and had a good chat with her. Everything seemed to fall into place. Even if all the doorbells we rang before this came to nothing, and our only mission that night was to reach out to this lady, it was worth it! After all, God does work in mysterious ways, doesn’t He?!

The easter event that year was a blast! And many turned up. Praise God! Since then, the church has grown in leaps and bounds and today it has expanded tremendously (yeap….expansion to the current building had to be done!)

I really praise God for allowing me to experience all of this. It amazes me that He allows ordinary people like ourselves to be involved in His bigger plan. He can bring people to Himself without us but yet He chooses to call us into partnership with Him.Wow!!!!

So to all you youths out there….don’t look down at the simple things God calls you to do… giving out flyers. You can be apart of His BIG PLAN! God bless!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Life ~ What Do You Make of It

Taken from GLDBT


A painting in an ancient temple depicts a king forging a chain from his crown, and nearby, another scene shows a slave converting his chain into a crown. Underneath the painting is this inscription: "Life is what one makes it, no matter of what it is made."

You may have been born with certain "ingredients," just as a baker may find the staples of flour, sugar, and oil in his kitchen; but what you create from the talents and abilities God has given you is up to you! Live your life so that it might be measure according to these words of an anonymous poet:

Not - How did he die? But - How did he live?
Not - What did he gain? But - What did he give?
These are the units to measure the worth of a man as a man, regardless of birth.
Not - What was his station? But - Had he a heart?
And - How did he play his God-given part?

Was he ever ready with a word of good cheer, to bring back a smile, to banish a tear?
Not - What was his shrine? Nor - What was his creed?
But - Had he befriended those really in need?
Not - What did the sketch in the newspaper say?
But - How many were sorry when he passed away?

The memory of the righteous will be a blessing. Proverbs 10:7

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Something From The Comics

I was reading today's papers, the comics section and I saw this from Broom Hilda.. the little green witch? Sorry don't have scanner, else I'd scan the page, but the conversation between Broom Hilda and her friend goes like this:

Friend: When you're a little kid, you don't know everything. Then when you're a teenager, you know everything, just ask one. But when you get to be an adult, you don't know anything again, any teenager can tell you that. Why?

Broom Hilda: Guess we peak during our dork years..

Hehe, I found it funny so wanted to share with you all..


Last night was Buzz Group, we started off with Clement on ice-breaker and he played this game where you're supposed to name yourself something that starts with the same alphabet as your name, ie, crazy Clement.. oh sorry, Clement, just harmless example.. heheheheh. Everyone seems to have fun trying to think up of crazy stuff, like Momma Moses.. or Juicy Jenny and Chinese Clement.. Amazing Adriel.. can't remember the rest! You need good memory for this!

Then we had Rachel leading P&W for the first time ever, yeah! big claps for Rach..good work Rachel, this is the beginning of a wonderful journey, hehe. Thanks also to Jenny for leading P&W faithfully all these years! Praise the Lord indeed for Jenny and the whole band.

In buzz group we talked about Legacy.. what are the things we want to leave behind for the future generation, to our family and also our youth group. It's about leaving behind godly values. 3 points to consider:-
  1. Start Now - if you never have daily devotion b4, think about starting now? What about setting aside time for prayer?
  2. Start with the end in sight
  3. Start and don't stop.
From the questions, and answers given, I think we don't really think about this but it's a good exercise and we're never too young to start thinking. So, what do you want to leave behind for the future generation?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Laziness v Patience

Taken from God's Little Devotional Book for Teens

Henry Ward Beecher, one of the most powerful preachers in American history, gave this illustration in one of his sermons:

"The lobster, when left high and dry among the rocks, has no sense and energy enough to work his way back to the sea, but waits for the sea to come to him. If it does not come, he remains where he is, and dies, although the slightest exertion would enable him to reach the waves, which are perhaps tossing and tumbling within a yard of him.

There is a tide in human affairs that casts men into 'tight places,' and leaves them there, like stranded lobsters. If they choose to lie where the breakers have flung them, expecting some grand billow to take them on its big shoulders and carry them to smooth water, the chances are that their hopes will never be realised."

Laziness is doing nothing, hoping nothing, being nothing. Patience, on the other hand, doesn't mean not doing anything. It means working on in hope that what you're waiting for will eventually come to pass, but you will continue to work on even if it doesn't.

"Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us" Hebrews 12:1

Kena Sabo

You know what, I kena sabo my own youth leaders. 2-3 weeks ago I told them we're going to run a series of testimonies from leaders in our blog and they all happily agreed ya. Then I waited.. no news oh, so I write my own testi and put up first la.. still nothing from them oh.. how la.. fong fui ki kau kau oh this.. ish ish ish!

ne'er mind la, I write something else while waiting for them..

Monday, May 4, 2009

Testimony ~ Be a Friend - Caroline

Let me start the ball rolling in our Testimony Series from our youth leaders.

I have been in the youth ministry ever since I came back from KL in mid June 1999. God impressed upon my heart this phrase which I have kept to this day, 'Be a Friend.' I must admit over the years there have been often times I felt this phrase somewhat lacking, especially when I hear other youth leaders talking about their youth, what are they doing in their ministry, their plans etc. and here I am, with a phrase I hardly talk about (until now) but which has shaped my approach in the ministry; be a friend. But over the years and in many occasions, God kept reminding me the value of this phrase and I praise God for that.

To me, youth ministry is about relationship. There must be that openness of both parties to talk and listen to each other. I learnt also that you must earn the youth's respect and when you have earned it, then basically, you're all right. Of course, when you are a youth leader, they do listen to you, but that kind of respect is different. They respect the position of the leader, but they might not respect you as a person. It is when they respect you as a person and as a leader, ah, that's when the relationship starts. And when you have that link, that bond, well like I said, you're all right, in the eyes of the youths la (although not necessarily in the eyes of the adults! yikes.... but that's another story, hehe) Another thing I learnt about youths is that they can spot a fake from far. You may talk a lot, but they know whether you're fake or not, whether you truly care about them or it's just lip service.

I didn't start youth ministry with a bang back in 1999. I had returned home from KL all drained spiritually and I knew I was in no shape to help. But things were a bit urgent then so I stepped in, willing but drained. And you know what, God truly knows everyone of us. God placed me in the youth ministry not just for me to help the youths, but more for them to help me! It was through the youth ministry that God steadily pulled me up from where I was, and He reminded me that I couldn't bear fruit unless I remain in Him, and He in me. We cannot do things without Him, it will not bear fruit.

I just realised that this year will be my 10th year in the youth ministry! Like CCL celebrating her 40th anniversary, I should celebrate and reflect in my 10th year. I sometimes ask myself whether I have outlived my welcome and usefulness in the youth ministry, and whether I am still relevant to them. I told myself that the day I no longer know what they are talking about, when I am no longer relevant to them and I become just another adult in their eyes, that will be the day I pack. May God grant me the wisdom to know when it's time. But until that day comes.. I serve faithfully. Amen.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Next Up - Testi Time

The next round of posts will be Testimony Time. The youth leaders will be writing and posting their testi soon so keep your eyes open!

This invitation for Testimonies is also extended to every youth. Now, testi time is meant to encourage readers all right, not to air your anger, discontent or whatever negative stuff (save that for another time - call me! 016-xxx xxxx) But anyway, I will be editing all testimonies la so no worries.

So, if you have something encouraging to share, please drop your testi via email to ok?

Have a great week ahead!

Water War

Wah, what perfect weather for a water sports day..actually I should say what perfect games for the hot weather! Hahaha.. I know Daniel in cold cold Perth is envying us ba.. solleee ah Daniel and all those in cold weather countries.. next time you come back we sure prepare water games for you ok? (We chase you with pails of ice water la! nice woh). Of course before we even started our games Aaron L was already all wet, either from sweat or filling water balloons, I do not know la.

So Waltson and Vincent were the masterminds behind the games (it's sure nice to see someone else doing this for a change ~ come back more often guys!) and they really put lots of effort (and ice - kakakakakaka) into it.. let's give them a big clap (APPLAUSE PLEASE). Game 1 started with blindfolds and water balloons being aimed at the standing duck blindfolded person. Hahah.. seriously though, you really don't need a 'voice' guiding you to avoid the balloon, you just can't avoid the inevitable. That was fun. Then I missed the second and probably most disgusting game.. urgh.. sorry, had to do refreshment. Nuts!

In this game, you had to transfer ice water from the bucket to a bottle using your body. So the utensils used were; hands (all the water slipped out by the time they reached the bottle), tee shirts (hard to squeeze water through the tiny opening) and of course the mouth (this is where the disgusting and icy part came in). Seems that the punishment for the loser was that the winners get to splash the 'saliva juice' over the loser(s) and seems that Aaron was the only loser? Hahah.. welcome home, Aaron! I missed your dance, didn't I?

Then it was Bible Quiz time with cold water splashed over you should you answer wrongly. I suppose having two cups of cold water hovering over your head doesn't make you answer correctly, pressure oh! And by this time Waltson was so hot from controlling and explaining the games the guys decided to cool him down with a few buckets of ice water.. hahahah.. (sounds better when I write this oh kan? They were just looking for an excuse to splash him lah)

The finale was the Water War, with 3 flag bearers strapping their team's flags behind them. It was really funny to see them running all over the field with their flags in tatters! I don't remember who won but I think that game made everyone tired running all over the field! Hahaha.. after cleaning up we had refreshment. What a great end to the day.. oooo no, we went for yc again after that. Now THAT was a great ending!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Prayer Requests

I'm glad Daniel is putting in prayer request in the Blog, because this blog isn't just about news and all, it's also to encourage each other and to pray for one another, for our families and our friends. I know we'd be lazy to actually write an email and send it off.. that's why you're encouraged to drop your prayer requests at the chat box, like Daniel did.

And of course when we put in all the prayer requests, do stop for a minute and pray for those who are in need ok? Prayer truly works and you and I know that! So do your part, everyone and see God work in our lives!

Cu all tomorrow at the Water War!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Water War!

Calling all youths! This coming Saturday we will be having a WATER WAR!




Monday, April 13, 2009

Another Leave the Nest

Last weekend Mark left for his further studies and we planned to send him off. It's become like a tradition that we try send our youths off when they go off for their studies. We do miss sending a few and we apologise for that, but we try our best to make it. So we got his flight details and a few of us decided to go.

Just as we were about to leave our houses for the airport, we received a sms from Mark telling us that he's already inside the terminal! It's still an hour before his plane leaves and he's already inside! Gee Mark, you were in a hurry to leave huh? Haha.. kidding! So we called him and found out that the announcement came through for passengers to enter. I suppose for once, the airplane was early than late.

So we didn't get to send Mark off, none of us, I think. Man, we're so sorry, the airline sabo you la this. But even though we didn't get to send you off, our best wishes go with you. May God continue to protect you and grant you wisdom in everything you do. Take care ya? God bless.

p/s We welcome Waltson and Aaron L back for their holidays. It's nice seeing you two again!

The Play

This Play came about while we had our youth retreat. AD JY came over one day and talked to Mark about doing an Easter play, and Mark came over to talk to me and I went to see AD and got the outline of the play and we ran with that. For the benefit of those who didn't see the play, don't worry, I have it on tape... of cos you gotta wait la ok? I have it on MOV file, I converted to WMP then the picture became fuzzy, like those tv news where they fuzzy out the face of people? So I have to sort this out.

Anyway, the play was about the 3 disciples during the time of Jesus's death. Mark, Edwin and Moses were the 3 disciples with speaking parts, Vincent played Jesus. There were 3 scenes, scene 1 was about Jesus breaking bread, scene 2 about washing of feet, and the final scene was about the reinstatement of Peter. The guys injected some humour into parts of the play but at the last minute, AD decided that it should be a solemn and serious play instead. The reason was that he dowan the play to make people stumble, meaning people expect the play to be serious so if it wasn't, then there will be question marks in their minds and that will distract them from the real meaning.

I am proud of the way the guys all handled this play, from the few practices to the changes in the script. You were all so polished! I heard lots of good comments about the play; how Vincent's face positively shone playing Jesus, how Mark sang so beautifully they thought he lip-sync! Everything just went well. I don't know how many lives were touched by this play, and of course the sermon after that. But I was personally touched while writing this and it is my prayer that many were touched.

Proud of you all guys, great work Vincent, Mark, Edwin and Moses (and all the other disciples!) Keep up the good work.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The I Army aka I, Me & Myself

Taken from God's Little Devotional Book for Teens

When you get what you want in your struggle for self,
And the world makes you king for a day,
Just go to a mirror and look at yourself,
And see what that man has to say.

For it isn't your father or mother,
Whose judgment upon you must pass;
The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life,
Is the one staring back from the glass.

Some people may think you are a straight-shooting chum,
And call you a wonderful guy,
But the man in the glass says you're only a bum,
If you can't look him straight in the eye.

He's the fellow to please, never mind all the rest,
For he's with you clear up to the end,
And you have passed your most dangerous, difficult test,
If the man in the glass is your friend.

You may fool the whole world down your pathway of years,
And get pats on the back as you pass,
But your final reward will be heartache and tears,
If you've cheated the man in the glass.


Learn to conquer yourself by developing your self-control, and you'll be able to look yourself straight in the eye and know you've done your best.

"Encourage the young men to be self-controlled" Titus 2:6

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Holy Week

We have entered the Holy Week, the last few days before Good Friday and Easter Sunday. We youths have been busy practising for a play for Maundy Thursday night service. This play is of course about the Last Supper and I'm glad we have so many guys in our youth cos we needed 12 disciples plus another guy for Jesus. There are 4 main characters in our play; Jesus, played by Vincent, Peter played by Mark, John and James, played by Edwin and Moses respectively. The rest of the characters/disciples have none speaking parts but they are essential nonetheless!

So this play is the time where the guys shine, aiseh.. the girls will be sitting this one out. Jenny will be doing the music and sound effect, as usual and we'll also have some girls to help out here and there where necessary. Whew.. this has taken quite a bit of our time but it's worth it. It's always worth it to serve our Lord. So, do pray for us as we work on our play, that when people see it, the Holy Spirit will touch them.

Remember to go for all the services throughout this week, if you can't manage all, at least make it for Easter Sunday service! May your Easter be meaningful this year. Happy Easter.

p/s.. ooo.. I think we will be getting an Easter present.. just gotta wait for it.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Daniel's Gift

Now many of you have seen Daniel's drawing of our youth group. Perhaps some of you haven't seen that picture yet, so it's posted at the bottom of this page so you can download and save the picture to your own pc or hp if you haven't already done so. I think you can also get that picture from Daniel's FB. Some of you are suggesting this could be our next youth tee shirt design.. drop your comments here.

Daniel also sent a sms to us to say farewell which I will put here for everyone to read (this was sent last night).... "hey guys, I'm leaving really soon already. I have 8 more hours to go. So I just wanna say thanks for being in my life. You guys rock my life. Without you guys I am nothing. You guys are something I call brothers and sisters. I love you guys till the end, and Clement very lame lo. XD hehe. Bye guys, take really good care. Please always go to youth. Don't skip ah. Especially the blue moon girl :) Bring more ppl! When I come back, I hope to see more strangers la k? Take care guys, love you all. God bless."

I'm sure Daniel won't mind me putting this here. I do it to encourage all of us, especially the leaders. Whenever you get tired of serving in the youth ministry, when the effort seems too much, when the load gets too heavy, remember Daniel's words and be encouraged that your effort and love are appreciated, are effective and God is using you as a channel of blessing to the youths. Keep striving!

Life Goes On

This morning a few of us went to send off Daniel who is on his way to Perth. Guessing from the FB activity, I am sure he's settled in and am online even as I write this. Take care Daniel, we all miss you. Sigh.. this year there will be many guys who have and will be leaving us. I tell the leaders that youth ministry is a sending ministry; you send people off when they leave for further studies. It's heartache seeing them leave but they gotta lead their lives, their studies. You must have noticed that our Away From Home column is getting longer and longer! Yikes!

Even as a youth, you truly gotta appreciate every moment of your life. Live your teenage life to the fullest, serve God faithfully, attend youth meetings consistently, have fun and laughter as much as possible, study hard because we all live our lives only once. Things will not be the same when you come back after your studies, assuming that you do return. People change, their attitudes and interests change too so as a young adult, you will never get back the same kind of fun you had as a teenager. Somehow being a teenager is really cool. Sure you get problems too; parents, teachers, other teenagers, pilaks.. the list goes on.

We all have our lives to lead, and one day we too will leave for our studies, just as Daniel did, and many others before him. We thank God that he's placed us among great friends in youth, that we had the opportunity to be friends and be a friend to those around us. And for all those who are away from home, you are all missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Challenge

Hey, our last post was the 100th one! Not bad huh? Of course we have lots to talk about lah.

There were so many fun and memorable happenings during our retreat that we just can't stop talking it! Hahaha.. what we wanna share now is the challenge that was laid down by Ps M in our final session. He took the story of the little boy with 5 loaves and 2 fishes (John 6:1-13) - Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand.

Let's quickly recap the story: A great crowd of people had followed Jesus as he preached on a mountainside. When he saw the crowd, he asked his disciple Philip where shall they buy bread for these people to eat, to which Philip replied that eight month wages wouldn't be able to buy enough bread for each one of them to have a bite! Then Andrew, another disciple, brought forward a boy with 5 small loaves and 2 small fish, but questioned how far can that go among so many. But Jesus have them asked the people sit down, he took the loaves and the fish, gave thanks and started distributing to the people. Not only did Jesus fed the five thousand, there were twelve basketful leftover! So the lesson to be learnt here? And the relevance to us as youths?

The little fella with the lunch didn't have much, did he, but he was willing to give that to Jesus and boy, in Jesus' hands, the little lunch became big! The little that we have in our hands right now; our talents, our gifts, we may think it's little, but give it to God and see what he can do with it. Our parents and adults may not believe we have a lot, in fact, a lot of times they tell us we don't have much to offer. But Jesus has plans for us. All Jesus needs is a willing heart, to give him our gifts and talents and he will use that to glorify God. Are we willing to give to Jesus? Like King David, we serve God in our generation. We serve God now, not wait till we finish our education, nor wait till we start working and become an adult, start our family, geesh, we might as well not start then? We serve, and we serve now. In whatever capacity, with whatever talents. Willing hearts, do we have that? Think about it.

In the passage, Jesus also taught the adults about their lack of trust. Two of his disciples didn't think Jesus could do a miracle and feed the crowd. But he showed them, and made them go collect the leftovers. Those of us who are adults, sometimes we lack the trust in young people. We think they are too playful, too raw, too young. And perhaps all they are good for are menial stuff, you know, cleaning the compound, wiping the windows, carrying chairs etc. But hey, Jesus used a little boy and his little lunch to feed five thousand? You think we need to change our perspective as well?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Camp Photos

A little bit of the photos we took in camp are already on the net, but that's just a fraction of it. We still have lots more and they will be posted up these few days, we promise. You can check out these sites for access and downloads.

Photos :

Videos :

Now, about the videos, these will take slightly longer ok, because we need to convert the movie files to wmp files and that will take some time. We also need to edit them and that takes an even longer time, hehe, so please be patient with the videos ok? We know there are many videos owing you all, Christmas 08 for example. Hannah K faithfully and routinely ask about this and I promised her she'll get it before Christmas 09! Hahaha.. sorry sorry.. we'll try our best ya? Any other vidoes still owing, please send us an sms!

Congrats & High 5's

We had a few aunties helping us during the camp and one of them asked me about the youths' SPM results. She knew the results were out just before camp and that we had a few people who sat for the exams last year. I looked at her and told her, "they came to camp to enjoy and make friends, not to talk about school and results." True or not? (School? wat's that?) And SPM results were the last thing on my mind as we ran the camp, making sure things went well. But now, camp is over and we are all resting from our fun (boy, having fun is tiring and hard work, don't you think?) so we can talk about SPM and results and school, but not too much, cos it's the holidays and we dowan it to cramp our fun, do we now?

Rachel, Moses, Joel, Nathan and Daniel sat for their SPM exams last year, did we miss anyone out? (Sorry if we did, still tired from camp bah) Now, we won't list out their results one by one la, if you must know, go ask them yourselves. But we congratulate them for their results and we give thanks to God for them and we pray God will continue to grant them wisdom as they continue in their studies. Great work everyone! Proud of you all.

p/s We also congratulate Mark on getting excellent results in his single paper. Way to go, man!


We just concluded our retreat, To Be.. or Not To Be and I thank God we had a great camp. We had 21 campers joining, out of which 6 were newbies and we hope we will get a few of them to come to our youth meetings in future. Most of them are from other churches but we are glad they joined us and we bless them as they return to their own youth groups (although truth be told, we'll be glad if they join us weekly! hahaha.. so sue me!)

Things went well, from our first programme of Welcome and Icebreaker, to all our sessions, including the movie time. I think our only hiccup would have been the games, because the rain kept coming, but thank God He held off the thunderstorms throughout the 3 days of camp. We had rain but it was manageable walking around and I think many of us wanted to go play outside in the rain anyway. Don't worry everyone, next time we will do that okey? Haha.. Daniel got a bit sick on Sunday, came down with fever but he bounced back by the afternoon so that was real good. We also played a few games with the uncles in our church, including AD JY. I think we all had fun splashing AD... and I was glad I had my camera with me, else you all would have come after me, I know la. I thought it weird Clement came up asking to see the photos I took. After he pestered me for 10 seconds I caught on and shooed him away, and made sure everyone can see I'm holding a camera! Hahaha... I escaped, this time! Thanks everyone, for being so lenient with me (if I can put a smiley, it'll be one that's smirking!)

I loved the drama that you came up with during our "Puzzle Nite" and Vanessa commented that you just had to break all the 10 Commandments, dincha? I think the cucumber was the greatest prop.. so versatile! (Note: We gave each group 8-9 props to incorporate into the drama and they did so marvellously) The toilet paper was also useful to use as money, and sea creatures.. I mean, the sea. The Capulets did the 10 Commandments, and The Montagues did Parting of the Red Sea. Hahaha.. both were very hilarious. You all did well, proud of you!

I want to thank my group of Leaders once again for helping out so wonderfully in camp; from Stephanie doing kitchen duty and boiling and boiling water, to Vanessa who did devotion and giving moral support, Mark who came in last minute but helped so much in music and leading the guys, Vincent who organised and ran the games so well. To Jenny for leading worship and moving the whole P&W team, who truly helped me so much in the planning and administration, who put up with my 'crapness' and supported me more than she'll ever know. Thank you leaders, it was really a pleasure serving with you and we look forward to more things to come. Thank you God!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


This is the season of Lent, where we remember the suffering and death of Christ. We normally associate Lent as a season of soberness, of prayer and fasting, about self-control. I seem to fast more during this period than any other times of the year, and pray more earnestly. Today, I want to share about a guy and his month of Lent.

Two weeks ago, I picked him up to go youth meeting and we got to talking about Lent. He mentioned that his friend told him about Lent and that he (the friend) was fasting for the whole month. No meat for a month. So this friend of mine got to thinking about fasting too. He prayed and decided that he was going to fast from Dota. For this whole season of Lent, he wasn't going to play Dota. He mentioned that the first few days, it was very difficult. But as the days went by, it got easier. And he suddenly found that he had a lot of time on his hands. One day he actually went to sleep at 10pm (which was probably really foreign!) because he had nothing else to do after finishing his homework! I asked him again last Saturday how was his progress and he is still on course of not playing Dota. I am sure he must have gotten flak and teasing and tempting from his Dota playing friends.

I admire him. When he first mentioned it to me, I was really impressed because I know for a lot of the guys, playing Dota means a lot to them. So much so that they are willing to save their lunch money just to play, so much so that they are willing to ignore their homework, their chores just to play. And so much so that they are willing to disobey their parents so they can go to cyber and play. I am not pointing fingers here, but I know and believe there are guys out there who have done the things I've just written about. My friend chose to fast from Dota and I know that must not have been easy. I admire your decision, Luiz, and I know God will honour those who honour Him. You go, man! For all the guys who have teased him about stopping Dota, I encourage you to support him instead, and to think about fasting from something that you love as well.

To Be.. or Not To Be

That is the theme for our youth retreat! After a postponement in December, our retreat is finally on this weekend. I know that some of our youths are unable to make it because they have other camps and tuitions, but still, we have 18 youths signed up now. We really praise the Lord for this number.

This retreat will be a blast, as we have many interesting sessions lined up. AD JY and Ps Moses will be our speakers and I can say they will be really fantastic. We have also planned some fun games for the afternoons and there will be guests joining us during those times.

Do pray for us that the camp will run smoothly and everyone will have fun and learn things and make friends. Pray also for the weather to be excellent, as there are thunderstorms in the evenings these past few days. Pray that the weather will hold up as we play our games and activities. God is good, all the time!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Thousand Apologies

I really must say sorry to all the guys and girls who have been following this blog faithfully. I have not been blogging for a long while, and like our game the other day, I'm lagging. Let me tell you what's been happening in case you want to kill me for not blogging.

Hmmm.. let's see, there's our youth retreat coming up in 2 week's time. We gotta plan the programmes, contact the speakers, the caterers, the game-masters, arrange the halls, mattresses, buckets, sound and music system.. haha, it sounds like we're arranging a gig, huh? But it's not, it's our youth retreat, which you guys must all come! Come on.. you gotta.. YOU GOTTA! Get forms from Jenny if you haven't already, and although the closing date has passed, just for you.. YOU!... we give u chance! So.. quick.. get Jenny on the phone and tell her squeeze you in!

Then I've been busy helping out in our church's 40th Anniversary celebrations. The celebration is in June, 20th June to be precise, but the preparations have begun. I'm helping out in arranging the tee shirts to be printed, I'm targeting everything to be finalised by this week so they can start printing and we can get our new tee shirts end of March.. Yeah!

Then there is this drama that I'm also helping out in, as in doing the script. So far that is almost done, also scheduled for finalising and completion by this week, then we gotta think about casting, and finding people to help in costume, backdrop, drama practice.. wheeeeeeeeeee.. it will be busy...

So, now you see why I've not been blogging.. but while I have really been busy, I will try harder to keep writing ok? Honest to goodness! But you guys can do me a favour and also contribute your posts ok? Those Away from Home haven't been writing ages! Come on guys, tell us what's happening at your end of the world!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Eternal Love

He doesn't bring me roses
but He is called the Rose of Sharon.
He doesn't send flowers to my office/school
but He grows beautiful flowers in my garden.

He doesn't kiss me
but I sense His kiss when I feel sunshine
or softly falling rain.

He doesn't give me sparkling diamonds to wear
but the stars He set in the sky shine
even more brilliantly.

He doesn't whisper in my ear
but His still small voice is ever with me.
He isn't a valentine who has pledged lifelonglove
but He is Eternal Love.

He demonstrated it
Not by gifts or well-intentioned promises
but by offering Himself as the
fulfillment of promise.

Not by standing with me at the wedding altar
but by placing Himself on the altar.
That I may know life
That I may know Him
and love Him forever.

(Taken from

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Our deepest sympathies and condolences go out to Vanessa, Stephanie and their big sister Louana for the passing away of their dad this afternoon. We are sorry for your loss and we remember you in thoughts and prayers. May God give you all the strength and courage as you go through this difficult time.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Nothing scares or bothers us most than when our loved ones are sick. Sure we're not married so we don't have to bother about kids, or wife/husband. But we have families, and we still worry about them. You know, it's a weird thing, family, can't live with them, can't live without them.

Family.. they sure know how to pull our strings, get on our nerves, pick on us, nag at us, lecture us, isn't it? But that same family takes care of us when we're sick, when we need a ride to school, or tuition, give us pocket money, buys stuff for us, stick up for us, see why I say it's weird? But family, God gave them to us for a reason. Sometimes we may think we landed in the wrong one, and our friends' families are much nicer.. and sometimes, just sometimes we wish we can trade our family for someone else's. But you know what? God doesn't make mistakes, so when he chose our families, there wasn't any mistake. That is comforting to know.

So, whenever anyone of our family is sick, we worry, it's natural. So what do we do when we worry? No, don't run around like a headless chicken, no, no, no, that would be an unpleasant sight. What we need to do is to run to Jesus! Pray for God's healing to be upon our loved ones, for grace and mercy. Pray. Some of our loved ones are sick right now, and we as the family of Christ must also pray for them. Pray.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Red Nite

Gong Xi Fa Cai to everyone! It's still not too late to wish you all this, since we technically celebrate it for 15 days. Even as I write this, I can hear the drums going and the lions dancing in my neighbour's open house. And just last night during our youth meeting, we were all scrambling around the whole hall looking for angpows! Heard Adriel collected 3!

We labelled the nite 'Red Nite' (sometimes we are not very original, but it's cool) and everyone turned out in red.. or pink. Some clueless one came wearing white (she just came back from Lahad Datu ba, so can't blame her, I guess) and another guy came wearing blue (he changed to a superman shirt ~ behind a stack of chairs - I thought Superman changes in a telephone booth?) but it was all in good fun. And the topic for the night? "Superstitions during CNY". I think I was laughing too much but hopefully I'll remember most of the questions, correct me if I'm wrong k?

Ps Lydia was the speaker and she started the ball rolling with passing the angpow game. With the angpow came a question which you had to answer, failing which you would have to pass your angpow to the person with the correct answer. (in random order)

1. Why do you need to bath with pomelo leaves during CNY eve?
A. To 'buang sial' lo..

1a. Why, of all the fruit, do you use pomelo leaves? Why not banana leaves or something?
A. It's cos the pomelo is round enough to 'buang sial'... go figure..

2. Why do kids need to stay up during CNY eve? (aiya.. this one no one knows.. but a lot of shooting in the dark)
A. So that their parents will live long and healthy lives (something in the translation)

3. Why can't you sweep the floor during 1st day of CNY?
A. So you don't sweep away the luck. (so how come only the dust on the 1st day is lucky? The other 364 days' dust is well.... dust?)

4. Why do you let off firecrackers?
A. To scare away the beast called 'Nian', who's afraid of loud noises and I think the colour red. That's why it's called 'Guo Nian' (past the beast).

5. Why is it only married persons give angpow?
A. Ah.. this answer is KIV until AD JY finds out.. hahaha..

I can only think of these 5 questions offhand but I think it was a really interesting night and we learnt some new things!

p/s. It has been an interesting and enjoyable holiday for everyone, but tomorrow we go back to school, and work, sigh.. hope everyone had a good collection of angpows! Have a great week ahead guys!

Our Rector Writes - 18 Jan

Sorry it's taken a while to update this..

Last week I began recapping the Vision and Direction of Christ Church Likas. It is a dream we wish to see ourselves in the next 40 years! It is a strategy built on the principles of Acts 2:42-47.

The first is to build a strong foundation of Worship and Prayer. That is why in the past three years we put efforts in strengthening our Sunday services and Prayer Meetings. The aim is that what we do corporately will also influence the private worship and prayer life of each member of the Church.

With the Core in place, we shall now look at the second which is the backbone of the church.

Acts 2:46 - Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.

The strength of the church is usually measured by the life of discipleship of her member which is seen through the genuine love for each other in the Body of Christ. It is also seen through the obedience to God and His Word.

Thirdly, it is reflected in the life mission of the church member to fulfill the purposes of God, which is evangelism. To do so, we seek to establish a strong discipleship structure where every member is nurtured, equipped and trained to minister (serve) others. The discipleship structure is two-fold:-

 CELL GROUPS The nurturing and fellowship will be done through home cell groups. We encourage every member to belong to a cell group where pastoral care can be given and learning will take place. Authentic spiritual growth is always seen through genuine care, accountability and responsibility in the context of a community. The cell group is the starting point!

 EQUIPPING CLASSES We will also set up an equipping system of basic, intermediate and advance discipleship training for our members. Our aim is that every member is trained to “reproduce/ multiply” based on 2 Timothy 2:2. Every member is encouraged to take courses offered for their own personal growth. These courses will be taught by our pastors and invited speakers.

(To be continued, Fruits: Global Mission)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Farewell To Our Friend

Today, we said farewell to our dear friend Aaron L, who's going to Perth to study at an anglican boarding school. Term starts on 4th Feb and he left to KL to spend CNY with his family and then onwards to Perth. A few of us planned to go send him off at the airport so this morning, Jenny, Rachel, Hannah K and I got up early (ooo.. we were joined by one of our old gang, Waltson who just came back from KL last night) to have breakfast first. Halfway to the airport, Hannah received a sms from Aaron that his flight was delayed, so we turned back and bummed around at my office until it was time again to leave for the airport. Hannah told him that we were all busy to send him off so we could surprise him.. and when we got to the airport, we hid behind the stall waiting for him to get to the departure gate..

There weren't many words as we said our goodbyes, although there were some tears and advice. It's always hard to say goodbye to a friend. Distance may separate us, but our friendship will continue. We will miss him sorely. So Aaron, study hard, enjoy the experience, don't forget us, and until we meet again, God bless, take care. May our good Lord bless your ways, watch over and protect you and may you continue to walk closely with Him.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cure For Home Sickness - The Bad & The Ugly

Sorry if it has taken me a few days to continue this series down memory lane. I have been thinking what kinda stories I wanna tell. Some are disturbing, I mean, this is the category of the bad and the ugly after all. Maybe this post should carry a remark; 'reader's discretion is advised, disturbing scenes may follow?'.. you be the judge..

Cheap Thrills
There used to be a lot of mini buses plying KL roads and they were all painted a ghastly pink. Seeing them zipping around just made my head spin sometimes. One bad thing about these mini buses is that the bus conductor will pack everyone in like sardines, sometimes even telling you how you should stand so that they can put more people in. Safety and comfort of the passengers... what's that? It was in this kind of condition that I took a bus ride from KL to PJ one hot and steamy Saturday afternoon to a friend's place to stay overnight so I can attend church on Sunday.

It was already packed and uncomfortable when halfway through the journey, it started pouring (those of you who've been in KL would surely have experienced the thunderstorms there before) and all the passengers started closing the windows (no air-con lo this.. natural air got lah) and suddenly bus ride became free sauna! Wait.. it becomes worse.

So imagine this, packed, stuffy, sauna, haven't arrived at destination when suddenly, I felt something poking me at the back. I turned my head to see this elderly uncle pushed up against me. That something poking me? That ain't his umbrella ok? OMG! Can someone save me from this? If it wasn't pouring so heavily, if I was familiar with PJ, I would surely have gotten down. To this day, I still think the uncle was having a cheap thrill and rather enjoyed the sardines condition! Lousy uncle! Arggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........

Having to wait for the buses were really a pain in the neck, especially during rush hours. One time, I had waited for ages when the bus finally lumbered up. Of course everyone rushed for the bus. Oh ya, I should mention that when you rush for buses, you have to stay far far away from old people. No, not because they are fragile and deserve respect (well, they do lah) but because they do not care if they poke you in the eye, or step on your toes or elbow you in their haste to get a seat. So by the time I let the elderly and the whole world get on the bus, I was left with no space.. but rather than waiting for the next bus, I got my foot onto the step, put my hands on the handle bars and hung on for dear life! My backpack and I were hanging out the bus. Talk about cheap thrills!

Like all students, we go watch movies when the tickets are cheap and that means afternoon shows. I normally go watch shows alone (I love my own company, hehe) so one nice afternoon, I bought a ticket, got in the cinema and settled down to enjoy the show. About 15 minutes into the show, I had that feeling that someone, or something was looking at me. It took my eyes a while to adjust to the darkness to look around and find the source of the bad feeling. Suddenly, I saw a pair of eyes looking at me from the row in front of me. Oh, the eyes were real, they belonged to a creep looking for cheap thrills (I should categorise this under Cheap Thrills huh?). I quickly moved seats. CREEP!

Another time, another movie, a guy was on the next seat. I was enjoying the show and didn't pay him much attention when suddenly I realised something heavy was near my waist. I thought my backpack had fallen to the side so I moved my hand near my side and touched a hand.. not my own! Another creep! I flung his hand away and I should have shouted at him when he just got up and rushed away.. Believe me, I couldn't sleep that night thinking of his hand on me! Shudder...

Bad Move
Being a girl has its disadvantages, especially when it comes to personal security. I went to an evening service once and I took a short cut, walking through a dark lane, over the train tracks with the surrounding area full of lalang and deserted. Even though it was only a short distance, so many things could have happened. Once I got through that path safely, I scolded myself for taking such risks. That was the last time I ever walked that path.

Another time I had gotten out from the LRT station and decided to take a short cut back, again through the side lanes. Normally there is a light there so it wasn't that dark, but that time that I walked through, the light was switched off and I walked in darkness. Another bad move.

So there you have it, the good, the fun, the bad and the ugly of my time away from home. I must say there were many occasions when I could have fallen into danger, but I thank our God for His protection and care, and I'm left with happy memories of my time in KL. In all my time there, I never fell in love with KL. It was just a place I had to be in and I tried to make the best of it.

Like I said earlier on, we may not like the place we're in right now. Whether we are studying/working near or far, think about those who are not able to afford an education, think about those who're jobless and be grateful that you are where you are. Suck it up, strengthen your resolve, pray harder that God will give you strength to endure through this season, build your character, enjoy the scenery, enjoy the change, live life to the fullest as how God intended it so that at the end of your life, you won't look back with bitterness and regret.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cure For Home Sickness - The Fun

I could go on and on about the good food there, but I think I'd keep getting hungry, so I'll talk about the fun stuff that happened there.

Rats ~ Now, because of the restaurant downstairs, it's obvious that we'd get rats. So one time a rat got into my room. My cousin and my bro tried to get it out and after much jumping and huffing and puffing, we finally banged it and gave the rat a concussion. Obviously no one wanted to touch it so in the end, because he's the youngest among us, my cousin had to put the rat in a plastic bag. Instead of putting the rat down the rubbish chute, we decided to throw the rat overboard.. I mean over the balcony. Did I mention I lived on the 3rd floor? So.. with much laughter, we took the dazed rat to my bro's room and "bombs away!" But would you know it, as the rat fell, the plastic bag opened and became a parachute for the rat! We groaned and thought "rats, the rat escaped" as the bag drifted gently onto the ground. Just as we thought the rat will escape, it fell into the cluthes of a cat, who had obviously seen the rat as it parachuted down and pounced on it. Ah.. all's well that ends well. Hahahahahahah..

Yet another rat story, there were a lot, you see. I caught a rat in the cage one day and decided to kill it. Don't squirm, nobody catches a rat and lets it go, believe me, that only happens in movies. So I went to the kitchen to boil water in a saucepan. Would you believe it, rats have brains, because as soon as I poured the boiling water on it, it started running around the cage, and because I thought my aim was very good, I didn't boil a lot of water. My water was finished, but I'd not done the 'job' correctly, I'm left with a half scalded rat and an empty pot. I had to go boil some more water to finish the job, I didn't know whether to laugh or to take pity on the rat. Hai...

Rubbish ~ One time I decided to throw rubbish from the balcony to the other block's rubbish bin. Rubbish as in in a bag, not a sweet wrapper. So we switched off the lights, took aim and lobbed the bag about 20 feet into the air and it fell sweetly into the rubbish bin.. yeah.. I scored! Then another time I tried again, same protocol; switched off lights, took aim and lobbed the ammo.. and BANG! The rubbish fell onto the roof of a shoplot on the first floor. Ooops... sorry.. we scurried for cover..

My smart bro decided to throw some cardboard down the rubbish chute but unbeknownst to him and everyone else, including the tenants downstairs, it got stuck inside the chute and as a result, all the rubbish piled up inside. After 2 weeks, I noticed that as I threw the rubbish, it didn't fall down to the basket below as it normally did. So being curious, I decided to investigate and found that the whole chute was full of rubbish till the 2nd floor! My goodness... I found an iron rod and managed to free the load of rubbish and boy.. I lost my iron rod in the downpour of rubbish bags. Haha.. imagine diarrhoea? Ah.. u get the picture. I stood there laughing at the amount of rubbish raining down.. and pity the DBKL workers who had to collect them.

Music ~ One of the downside about staying in shoplots is the din that comes from your neighbours. The guy staying directly under my brother's room would always blast his stereo on loud every night and it gets annoying especially when we're trying to sleep. So my bro would always bang on the floor with a metal bar to shut him up.

My cousin came stay with us once and he started talking on his handphone on the balcony at 12 midnight, disturbing our neighbour on the opposite block with his loud chatter. In anger, our neighbour, the next night, played his Boney M (who? you're wondering, right? It's ok, hehe) cassettes very loudly and we had to put up with his 'One Way Ticket' song blaring for ages! Ooooo.. payback ah uncle?

to be continued... The Bad and the Ugly still to come...