Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Away From Home - Back For Holidays

Over the past week or so, a few of our senior youths are back home for their summer holidays. I shouldn't call them senior youths, should I? Maybe call them ... young men. Haha.. Doug, Thomson, Melvyn, Ronny and Leon came back and last night we went out for CB with Jenny, the SS and Hannah T. It was really nice to see them again and I can't remember the last time so many of them came back at the same time. Mostly it was one here or two there. It was good that we sat outside CB cos we really laughed a lot over jokes served mainly cold and good natured ribbing.

It's truly nice to see them all growing up and doing well in their studies and work and also that we can still get along. Perhaps we might not click as close as before but that's a fact of life. There's always the future for us to click, isn't it? Great to see you all back!

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