Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Holy Week

We have entered the Holy Week, the last few days before Good Friday and Easter Sunday. We youths have been busy practising for a play for Maundy Thursday night service. This play is of course about the Last Supper and I'm glad we have so many guys in our youth cos we needed 12 disciples plus another guy for Jesus. There are 4 main characters in our play; Jesus, played by Vincent, Peter played by Mark, John and James, played by Edwin and Moses respectively. The rest of the characters/disciples have none speaking parts but they are essential nonetheless!

So this play is the time where the guys shine, aiseh.. the girls will be sitting this one out. Jenny will be doing the music and sound effect, as usual and we'll also have some girls to help out here and there where necessary. Whew.. this has taken quite a bit of our time but it's worth it. It's always worth it to serve our Lord. So, do pray for us as we work on our play, that when people see it, the Holy Spirit will touch them.

Remember to go for all the services throughout this week, if you can't manage all, at least make it for Easter Sunday service! May your Easter be meaningful this year. Happy Easter.

p/s.. ooo.. I think we will be getting an Easter present.. just gotta wait for it.

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