Wah, what perfect weather for a water sports day..actually I should say what perfect games for the hot weather! Hahaha.. I know Daniel in cold cold Perth is envying us ba.. solleee ah Daniel and all those in cold weather countries.. next time you come back we sure prepare water games for you ok? (We chase you with pails of ice water la! nice woh). Of course before we even started our games Aaron L was already all wet, either from sweat or filling water balloons, I do not know la.
So Waltson and Vincent were the masterminds behind the games (it's sure nice to see someone else doing this for a change ~ come back more often guys!) and they really put lots of effort (and ice - kakakakakaka) into it.. let's give them a big clap (APPLAUSE PLEASE). Game 1 started with blindfolds and water balloons being aimed at the standing duck blindfolded person. Hahah.. seriously though, you really don't need a 'voice' guiding you to avoid the balloon, you just can't avoid the inevitable. That was fun. Then I missed the second and probably most disgusting game.. urgh.. sorry, had to do refreshment. Nuts!
In this game, you had to transfer ice water from the bucket to a bottle using your body. So the utensils used were; hands (all the water slipped out by the time they reached the bottle), tee shirts (hard to squeeze water through the tiny opening) and of course the mouth (this is where the disgusting and icy part came in). Seems that the punishment for the loser was that the winners get to splash the 'saliva juice' over the loser(s) and seems that Aaron was the only loser? Hahah.. welcome home, Aaron! I missed your dance, didn't I?
Then it was Bible Quiz time with cold water splashed over you should you answer wrongly. I suppose having two cups of cold water hovering over your head doesn't make you answer correctly, pressure oh! And by this time Waltson was so hot from controlling and explaining the games the guys decided to cool him down with a few buckets of ice water.. hahahah.. (sounds better when I write this oh kan? They were just looking for an excuse to splash him lah)
The finale was the Water War, with 3 flag bearers strapping their team's flags behind them. It was really funny to see them running all over the field with their flags in tatters! I don't remember who won but I think that game made everyone tired running all over the field! Hahaha.. after cleaning up we had refreshment. What a great end to the day.. oooo no, we went for yc again after that. Now THAT was a great ending!
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