Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Holy Spirit Weekend

Some of us attended the Young Adults Holy Spirit weekend 2 weeks ago and I believe our faith was strengthened by the sessions conducted by Jonathan & Rev Chor Kee. During a prayer session, we allowed the Holy Spirit to minister to us, and as I was praying, Jonathan came and prayed for me. I believe the Holy Spirit prompted him to pray for me a specific issue because as soon as he said it, my heart was ministered to. It was something that I needed and I thank the Holy Spirit for that gentle touch of refreshing me and also bringing about healing. I won't go into details but needless to say, it was a great time.

I write this to encourage us to come for the Youth Holy Spirit weekend on the 21 November which will be in Christ Church itself. We shall start at 9am, stay overnight and end after Sunday service. Come with expectations and be ministered to in our spirits. Jonathan will also be speaking to us and I believe this will be a great time, not just having fun with one another, but specifically, spending time with God.

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