Sunday, October 18, 2009

How can I be sure of my faith?

Today in Alpha we learnt about how we can be sure of our faith, that's through God's promises in the Bible, Jesus' work on the cross and the witness of the Holy Spirit in our lives, changing us from inside out. What was great was the discussion time, where the question was posed; 'that being a Christian changes us - our personality and character. What sort of person would you really like to be?' The boys talked about wanting to be more trustworthy persons, more faithful, more patient, able to walk the talk (or talk the talk & walk the walk) and less lazy. Why it made an impact was because they talked honestly and freely about some of the challenges that they face in their lives, and the ways to overcome them. That was a great time of discussion.

5 of our youths received McD vouchers for bringing new friends, it's a little something to reward them for their effort, thanks everyone! Hope you will enjoy your 'gift.' (Julia, we still owe you yours, hehe)

We also announced to the youths tonight that Stephanie will no longer be serving in the youth ministry from next week onwards due to her other commitments. We thank her for faithfully serving all these years and we pray and wish her all the best in her future undertakings. Thanks, Stephanie for your contribution and support in the youth ministry. We will, of course still see her in church!

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