Sunday, May 17, 2009


Last night was Buzz Group, we started off with Clement on ice-breaker and he played this game where you're supposed to name yourself something that starts with the same alphabet as your name, ie, crazy Clement.. oh sorry, Clement, just harmless example.. heheheheh. Everyone seems to have fun trying to think up of crazy stuff, like Momma Moses.. or Juicy Jenny and Chinese Clement.. Amazing Adriel.. can't remember the rest! You need good memory for this!

Then we had Rachel leading P&W for the first time ever, yeah! big claps for Rach..good work Rachel, this is the beginning of a wonderful journey, hehe. Thanks also to Jenny for leading P&W faithfully all these years! Praise the Lord indeed for Jenny and the whole band.

In buzz group we talked about Legacy.. what are the things we want to leave behind for the future generation, to our family and also our youth group. It's about leaving behind godly values. 3 points to consider:-
  1. Start Now - if you never have daily devotion b4, think about starting now? What about setting aside time for prayer?
  2. Start with the end in sight
  3. Start and don't stop.
From the questions, and answers given, I think we don't really think about this but it's a good exercise and we're never too young to start thinking. So, what do you want to leave behind for the future generation?

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