I have been in the youth ministry for a while now and I was talking about this recently with a friend and he remarked that I can't possibly still be in the youth ministry when I'm 50. I must read the signs, and know when to go. So that thought has stuck in me since then, and I happened to mention this to another friend two days ago and she doesn't see it that way. One thing she told me before that I remember to this day is that when we become leaders, God gives us an extra measure of grace and wisdom that others don't have. So I will use that measure of grace and wisdom to know when to exit gracefully... but while waiting for that event to happen.... hehe, let's talk about other stuff. Besides, I am not even in my 40's yet, don't say 50 loh.. oh wait.. the guys tell me I'm forever 16 in their books and that.... IS AWESOME!
You think that when you become a youth leader you are supposed to give of yourself; your time, car, money and sanity. Tick all the boxes above, for that IS what you are supposed to do, and more. You wear many hats and sometimes it's all at the same time; become a driver, a counsellor while driving, a planner, game master, sharing the Word and if you know how to sing or play an instrument, even better! Helps also if you know how to cook and feed hungry mouths. So, anyone wants to be a youth leader? Come and see me!
But time and again, God has shown me that while giving of myself into the ministry, I also receive. The past 2 weeks have been a stressful one for me, mainly at work because it's audit time and I have to get my accounts ready. Then I have had to juggle schedule in organising parties and do Christmas shopping, the general busyness that December brings. After an especially grueling day, I was really frazzled and I looked forward to spending some time with the youths by going to drama practice. I told some of them I needed to de-stress and true enough, spending time with the youths really does the trick. We laugh at lame jokes, tease each other, try and outdo each other in some crazy stunts, welcome friends back for the holidays, go yam-cha (and hope we don't get calls from parents ordering us to go home!). By the time I got home, I was tired but relaxed, happy to be able to laugh and joke with the youths.
So thank you, to those who are youths and those who call yourselves youths, thank you for sharing your life with me, thanks for the laughter, the jokes (even the lame ones, but please, a small measure goes a long way), the creativity, the love and joy. Thanks for being in the youth, don't stop coming and continue to ask others to come and join. Some are unable to be home for Christmas so make sure you go to church for services and remember why we celebrate Christmas... Jesus! Have a blessed Christmas.
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