Saturday, April 9, 2011

Alpha Week 1 : Who Is Jesus

Today we started our Youth Alpha by hearing a video by Jamie Haith speaking about Who Is Jesus. The past two times we ran youth alpha we did live talk but this round, it was very interesting to hear this Englishman speak clearly and precisely about Who Is Jesus. The material may be the same but he is definitely more hip and modern than previous videos we have seen. I think many of us could understand the text. 

And today we had 2 newcomers brought by Sylvia. They were her classmates and one of these boys has a brother who used to join our youth many years ago. It was certainly very interesting to meet up with William and Nicholas after all these years. They are still as tight as before and it was really good to see them working and living their lives. We had a long chat about old times and what we are doing now and it was really good to see them. 

Sylvia mentioned that her friends didn't understand what the video was about, or probably didn't even pay attention. I told her it is all right. They may not understand it now, but the seed has been planted. It is God who waters that seed. Looking at William and Nicholas, I believe that totally. 

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