Many months ago, on a hot night, a few boys sat in CB having their yc. Oh.. many things were discussed during that night, and laughter was heard often throughout their time there. (Please correct me if I am wrong). I shall not tell of the many things they talked and laughed about. But of the many things, one thing came out of that night, and that was the formation of a group, which naturally consisted of them all. In fact, I think they shouted that name, the name of their group, they shouted it for the whole world to hear! Didn't ya guys?
The Horses were formed that night, and I shall also not tell why, of all names, horses was chosen, although I must say it was chosen well (gosh, I can't believe I'm writing this!). Now, the original gang of horses, must have been.. Vincent, Thomson, Douglas, Waltson. I believe others were added on later, and there were some honorary members too, but the original 4.. they were tight. But they suffer the fate of all teenagers.. separation. One by one they left for further studies and tomorrow, the last of the original 4 will be departing for his studies.
Our bro Doug will be leaving for UK tomorrow to continue his tertiary education. He will be reading Law and will be gone for 4 long years... Doug Doug Doug.. if we were to talk about you, we'll be continuing till you land in UK 14 hours later, checked in your uni, find your dorm etc etc.. hahaha.. (sorry, couldn't resist that) so we won't lah. We will just remember all the fun times we had with you, the laughter, the joy, and we look forward to continuing our friendship when you return home. So take care of yourself, remember God, enjoy your experience and study hard! Bon voyage my friend. We will remember you.
1 comment: is indeed saddening tat the horses have separated.But only physically.In our hearts we all will still remain as horses!Neigh!God bless u doug!All d best!N dont shave ur manes aight!Keep ur pride!
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