Monday, November 24, 2008


Ah.. the holidays are here, and the key operative word is sheer enjoyment! I can feel every head nodding (for students, anyway) with agreement. Holidays are the times where you don't have to wake up at the crack of dawn, drag yourself to the toilet, get dressed, pack into school buses or sleep in your parent's car sending you to face annoying and dreadful teachers (unless it's your fav teacher la). Holidays are times when you can play Dota till your eyes pop out, or your brain drops out, or stay up late just for the heck of it and going shopping or movies.. I don't know about you but I'm in envy city right now! Argggggggggghhhhhhh..

But yesterday in church before the service, I had a chat with some of the guys and I heard something I never thought I'd hear... someone said Dota was boring! Oh.. the shock! hahahahah.. And that, my dear friends, is life. We need variety, it's the spice of life. No matter how nice something is, like Dota, or fast food, play or eat it long enough you will get bored. Hahaha.. but do enjoy your holidays cos soon it'll be time to start school again! Hahaha..

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