Everyone loves pop corn. I read somewhere that there are 4 types of corn, and only 1 can pop. And the thing that makes it pop is water. Huh? What? Water? you don't put water to pop popcorn.. ah.... but it's true. Inside the seed of corn is a small amount of water. And surrounding the water is a hard shell that protects it. When you put the corn inside the pot, the heat makes the water expands and that in turn pushes against the shell. When it gets hot enough, the hard shell explodes (hence the 'pop') and the corn turns inside out, the water turns into steam and vaporise, and you get pop corn.
Everytime I think of memory verses, I think of pop corn; it's light, very easy to eat, but eat enough of it and you will get full. Memory verse are like that; it's light to read, easy to memorise and have enough of it, it will make you spiritually richer. Memorising verses aren't just for little kids, they're for everyone. How many of us have gone through some troubling issues or periods and suddenly we remember one comforting verse which makes us feel better? That is when memory verses come in handy. I am not saying we don't have to read our Bibles, but memory verses are important when we can't remember the whole Bible. Break it down into little verses and we tend to remember the Bible more. And like the light pop corn, memory verses pack enough punch to sustain us.
I used to work in Lintas and it'd be a 20 minute drive from my house. During that time, when I was stuck in the jam, I'd memorise a verse. I had a memory verse box in my car and everyday I'd memorise one. Make some effort to print out some verses and commit 2 minutes everyday to this.. what's 2 minutes right? 2 minutes a day in this life makes for an eternity, believe me. Make this your aim for next year.. or start now.
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