Sunday, May 31, 2009


Last night we had Chillin', an outdoor event that was held at the church front porch. But some of us got to church at 2pm, summoned by our leaders to start preparing stuff for the night. Our Eng youth was in charge of food and we came to cut, chop and cook cucumber, sausages, fish balls etc. I think even though we came to work, it was still fun cos we were together, talking and laughing and chatting. Well, the girls were sweating in the kitchen chopping all the vege and fruits while the boys enjoyed the air-cond hall making cones for the kacang. But guys also had their work too, carrying water and heavy stuff like chairs.. we all have our parts to do ba..

The first people who turned up were the senior citizens! I had many people coming up to me and asked.."isn't this a youth event?" well, it's a church event la and everyone's welcomed. Sure they didn't play the games but it was more of a family gathering, with things for everyone. We started off with welcome and announcements by Jonathan and Alvin, who's the chairman of the anniversary committee. Then it was songs and games and food throughout the night. Pastor Lydia also came up to sing a song, as did Archdeacon John. Wah.. that was real cool oh, as everyone was so sporting.

We praise God everything went well, from the excellent weather, to the great turnout of people, to the Eng youths for ur hard work.. give urself a big clap on the back for job well done. I hope you all had fun.

A special mention goes out to my youth leaders for their hard work. They worked tirelessly and without complaints, helped out wherever they could and still had happy smiles on their faces the whole night. I'm proud to serve together with you and last night was a success in no small part to your contribution! Proud of you all!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hands up those who've never heard this, dunno what it is nor done this before! I'm talking about DISC, of course, something we all discovered last Saturday during our youth meeting. Pei San was nice enough to come and facilitate us while we took the little test.

There were 28 questions in that first page and you were supposed to tick an answer that are most or least like you. Oh boy, we forgot to bring a dictionary, big mistake, cos there were so many words there that we don't know the exact meanings to, like: conscientious, amiable.. urgh. So anyway, DISC stands for Dominant, Influential, Steadiness and Cautious/Compliance.

We had fun learning new words and discovering ourselves. It's our traits, our personalities and why is it more important than having fun is to help us understand why we react differently to other people, and how do we use this to our advantage. Hmm.. I hope my explanation is correct.

So for those of you who've never done this before, try it.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Stop The Mindless Yapping!

Taken from GLDBT


A young attorney, just out of law school and beginning his first day on the job, sat down in the comfort of his brand-new office with a great sigh of satisfaction. He had worked long and hard to savour such a moment. Then, noticing a prospective client coming toward his door, he began to look busy and energetic. Opening his legal pad and uncapping his pen, he picked up the telephone, and cradling it under his chin, he began to write furiously as he said, "Look, Harry, about that amalgamation deal. I think I better run down to the factory and handle it personally. Yes. No. I don't think three million dollars will swing it. We better have Smith from Los Angeles meet us there. Okay. Call you back later."

Hanging up the phone, he put down his pen, looked up at his visitor, stood, extended his hand, and said in his most polite but confident attorney's voice, "Good morning. How might I help you?" The prospective client replied, "Actually, I'm just here to hook up your phone."

Many a foible or flaw
Need not show..... for
If you don't say so,
Others won't know!

There's an old saying that goes, "A shut mouth gathers no foot." Sometimes the best thing to do is just keep your mouth shut!

Don't talk so much. You keep putting your foot in your mouth. Be sensible and turn off the flow! Proverbs 10:19

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Advice ~ What To Do With It

Taken from GLDBT


After arguing heatedly for several hours about which type of water main to purchase for their city, the town council of Pacific Vista was still deadlocked. One member suggested, "Let's appoint a committee to confer with the city engineer at Los Angeles to find out which type they have found to be most successful over the years. If we can profit by another city's mistakes, I think we should do so."

Leaping to his feet, an angry councilman - obviously full of civic pride but with little discretion - replied, pounding his fist on the table, "Why should we have to profit by the mistakes of Los Angeles? Gentlemen, I contend that Pacific Vista is a big enough town now to make its own mistakes!" (duh!)

Most of us are surrounded by good advice at any given time.
  • The books in our libraries are full of it.
  • Pastors proclaim it weekly.
  • People with highly varied experiences and backgrounds abound with it.
  • Schools give access to it; labs report it.
  • Commentators and columnists gush with it

But all the good advice in the world is worth very little if it is ignored. Be one of the wise - value and apply the advice you receive.

Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice. Proverbs 13:10

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Testimony - Marriage ~ Stephanie

Poor Caroline.....Putting up her testies.....let me Put up Mine. it shows what a youth leader and a friend i am.. (*coughs*)

I went to this marriage Counseling with Stanley. it was for 6 weeks
i was like forcing my self to go because i think it was a right thing to do.
Then the first day/ lesson was thought by our own A.D. Yeo... and pastor Moses.
it was ok at what A.D Yeo had taught us that night.

How to have a Long Christian Marriage.. is to Have God in a couples life. when 1 of the couple (man/ wife) putting / seeking God and the other 1 did not really put God first, the marriage will not go on that well in a christian homes or in families.
But when the 1 of them (man/ wife) put or seek God together, the marriage will be lasting in christians family homes.

Now..A.D Yeo didnt mean...U seek God or Put God in our Lives than our spouses. like ( Oh, i have to God first, can't think of my Bf / Gf when she is in trouble..) no. But What A.D Yeo means, that the couple come together and seekin God, putting him in their life's, is to have a lasting christian family for marriage couples.

Then for the other 5 weeks.... we been learning how to listen to each other, communication, and patiences, learning what we want or what are we expecting from our spouses.

Testimony - My Say ~ Vanessa

Hey guys, here’s my wee testimony (although very much overdued..oops sorry boss!) Anyway, here it is (better late than never! ). It was the Easter period of 2007 and I was in my final year of university in Glasgow. That year, the church I served at organised an outreach easter event especially targetted to its surrounding neighbourhood. Now, this neighbourhood isn’t the normal pleasant, safe neighbourhood where you’ll often see ‘lil old ladies sipping tea in their gardens, everyone walking about all smiling etc… in fact, you’ll see the total opposite. Crime rate, drugs, alcohol and juvenile crimes were high. Amidst all this taking place, our church geared up our members to give out flyers to invite people to our easter event.

I remember that evening very clearly. It was rather chilly as spring had just arrived and the night had just set in. We set out in groups, each assigned to cover the grounds of different blocks. I was assigned with my cell leader and after prayer with the rest of the team at church, we eagerly set out. I must admit……. I was terrified! (haha now can admit lar.. at that time, just have to ‘tahan’). I will never forget the first doorbell we rang. As the door opened, smoke and the smell of alcohol greeted us. We could see that the man who answered the door was rather tipsy as hehad trouble balancing himself. Nevertheless, we warmly invited him to our easter event and gave him a flyer. The night continued on with more and more of such scenes and I realised how much these people needed God. They just didn’t know it themselves.

The night was getting late and we were at our last door. We rang the doorbell and to our surprise, a cheerpy lady opened the door. With her strong Glaswegian accent, she asked “ Are you all from the church down the road with the pretty Easter mural? I was just looking at it today and here you all are! Come , come in!” (wow! Talk about God-sent , huh?) We went in and had a good chat with her. Everything seemed to fall into place. Even if all the doorbells we rang before this came to nothing, and our only mission that night was to reach out to this lady, it was worth it! After all, God does work in mysterious ways, doesn’t He?!

The easter event that year was a blast! And many turned up. Praise God! Since then, the church has grown in leaps and bounds and today it has expanded tremendously (yeap….expansion to the current building had to be done!)

I really praise God for allowing me to experience all of this. It amazes me that He allows ordinary people like ourselves to be involved in His bigger plan. He can bring people to Himself without us but yet He chooses to call us into partnership with Him.Wow!!!!

So to all you youths out there….don’t look down at the simple things God calls you to do… giving out flyers. You can be apart of His BIG PLAN! God bless!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Life ~ What Do You Make of It

Taken from GLDBT


A painting in an ancient temple depicts a king forging a chain from his crown, and nearby, another scene shows a slave converting his chain into a crown. Underneath the painting is this inscription: "Life is what one makes it, no matter of what it is made."

You may have been born with certain "ingredients," just as a baker may find the staples of flour, sugar, and oil in his kitchen; but what you create from the talents and abilities God has given you is up to you! Live your life so that it might be measure according to these words of an anonymous poet:

Not - How did he die? But - How did he live?
Not - What did he gain? But - What did he give?
These are the units to measure the worth of a man as a man, regardless of birth.
Not - What was his station? But - Had he a heart?
And - How did he play his God-given part?

Was he ever ready with a word of good cheer, to bring back a smile, to banish a tear?
Not - What was his shrine? Nor - What was his creed?
But - Had he befriended those really in need?
Not - What did the sketch in the newspaper say?
But - How many were sorry when he passed away?

The memory of the righteous will be a blessing. Proverbs 10:7

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Something From The Comics

I was reading today's papers, the comics section and I saw this from Broom Hilda.. the little green witch? Sorry don't have scanner, else I'd scan the page, but the conversation between Broom Hilda and her friend goes like this:

Friend: When you're a little kid, you don't know everything. Then when you're a teenager, you know everything, just ask one. But when you get to be an adult, you don't know anything again, any teenager can tell you that. Why?

Broom Hilda: Guess we peak during our dork years..

Hehe, I found it funny so wanted to share with you all..


Last night was Buzz Group, we started off with Clement on ice-breaker and he played this game where you're supposed to name yourself something that starts with the same alphabet as your name, ie, crazy Clement.. oh sorry, Clement, just harmless example.. heheheheh. Everyone seems to have fun trying to think up of crazy stuff, like Momma Moses.. or Juicy Jenny and Chinese Clement.. Amazing Adriel.. can't remember the rest! You need good memory for this!

Then we had Rachel leading P&W for the first time ever, yeah! big claps for Rach..good work Rachel, this is the beginning of a wonderful journey, hehe. Thanks also to Jenny for leading P&W faithfully all these years! Praise the Lord indeed for Jenny and the whole band.

In buzz group we talked about Legacy.. what are the things we want to leave behind for the future generation, to our family and also our youth group. It's about leaving behind godly values. 3 points to consider:-
  1. Start Now - if you never have daily devotion b4, think about starting now? What about setting aside time for prayer?
  2. Start with the end in sight
  3. Start and don't stop.
From the questions, and answers given, I think we don't really think about this but it's a good exercise and we're never too young to start thinking. So, what do you want to leave behind for the future generation?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Laziness v Patience

Taken from God's Little Devotional Book for Teens

Henry Ward Beecher, one of the most powerful preachers in American history, gave this illustration in one of his sermons:

"The lobster, when left high and dry among the rocks, has no sense and energy enough to work his way back to the sea, but waits for the sea to come to him. If it does not come, he remains where he is, and dies, although the slightest exertion would enable him to reach the waves, which are perhaps tossing and tumbling within a yard of him.

There is a tide in human affairs that casts men into 'tight places,' and leaves them there, like stranded lobsters. If they choose to lie where the breakers have flung them, expecting some grand billow to take them on its big shoulders and carry them to smooth water, the chances are that their hopes will never be realised."

Laziness is doing nothing, hoping nothing, being nothing. Patience, on the other hand, doesn't mean not doing anything. It means working on in hope that what you're waiting for will eventually come to pass, but you will continue to work on even if it doesn't.

"Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us" Hebrews 12:1

Kena Sabo

You know what, I kena sabo my own youth leaders. 2-3 weeks ago I told them we're going to run a series of testimonies from leaders in our blog and they all happily agreed ya. Then I waited.. no news oh, so I write my own testi and put up first la.. still nothing from them oh.. how la.. fong fui ki kau kau oh this.. ish ish ish!

ne'er mind la, I write something else while waiting for them..

Monday, May 4, 2009

Testimony ~ Be a Friend - Caroline

Let me start the ball rolling in our Testimony Series from our youth leaders.

I have been in the youth ministry ever since I came back from KL in mid June 1999. God impressed upon my heart this phrase which I have kept to this day, 'Be a Friend.' I must admit over the years there have been often times I felt this phrase somewhat lacking, especially when I hear other youth leaders talking about their youth, what are they doing in their ministry, their plans etc. and here I am, with a phrase I hardly talk about (until now) but which has shaped my approach in the ministry; be a friend. But over the years and in many occasions, God kept reminding me the value of this phrase and I praise God for that.

To me, youth ministry is about relationship. There must be that openness of both parties to talk and listen to each other. I learnt also that you must earn the youth's respect and when you have earned it, then basically, you're all right. Of course, when you are a youth leader, they do listen to you, but that kind of respect is different. They respect the position of the leader, but they might not respect you as a person. It is when they respect you as a person and as a leader, ah, that's when the relationship starts. And when you have that link, that bond, well like I said, you're all right, in the eyes of the youths la (although not necessarily in the eyes of the adults! yikes.... but that's another story, hehe) Another thing I learnt about youths is that they can spot a fake from far. You may talk a lot, but they know whether you're fake or not, whether you truly care about them or it's just lip service.

I didn't start youth ministry with a bang back in 1999. I had returned home from KL all drained spiritually and I knew I was in no shape to help. But things were a bit urgent then so I stepped in, willing but drained. And you know what, God truly knows everyone of us. God placed me in the youth ministry not just for me to help the youths, but more for them to help me! It was through the youth ministry that God steadily pulled me up from where I was, and He reminded me that I couldn't bear fruit unless I remain in Him, and He in me. We cannot do things without Him, it will not bear fruit.

I just realised that this year will be my 10th year in the youth ministry! Like CCL celebrating her 40th anniversary, I should celebrate and reflect in my 10th year. I sometimes ask myself whether I have outlived my welcome and usefulness in the youth ministry, and whether I am still relevant to them. I told myself that the day I no longer know what they are talking about, when I am no longer relevant to them and I become just another adult in their eyes, that will be the day I pack. May God grant me the wisdom to know when it's time. But until that day comes.. I serve faithfully. Amen.