Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's All About Him

Many adults told me that serving in the youth ministry isn't easy, and I have to agree. The first, of course is because of the heartaches that are involved. This ministry has a high turnover, the youths leave after they finish their secondary schooling so the most we have of them would be about 7 years, assuming they join when they're in Form 1. We've lost count of the number of times we've gone to the airport to send them off when they continue their studies overseas.

So anyway, yesterday our planned programme was Buzz Groups (small group sharing)but around 5pm, Ps Ivy called me and asked if we could help to make palm crosses for Palm Sunday, which is today. I told her; 'of course we'll help' and I gotta admit, I was relieved in a way, because I was supposed to be sharing. I was only thinking of myself, that I'll have a break from sharing. But the conversation I had while making palm crosses changed my mind.

One of our leaders asked me why we changed our programme, so I explained and asked him why he asked me that. He said; "one whole week we go through life, when Saturday comes, I can't wait to listen to God's Words and be refreshed." It hit me that I was only thinking of myself, that I didn't have to share, but I forgot about the youths and their eagerness to come and listen. This is what youth ministry is about, serving the youths, meeting their needs. Many times little conversations like this makes it worthwhile, and I forget the toil and effort. If you ask me what have I done in all my years in the ministry, I can only tell you that it's having these meaningful chats with the youths, when they come and tell me something personal, that's what's I've done. It's not about us, and our wanting a break, it's about God, it's all about Him. I am reminded once again what a privilege it is to serve God and His people.

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