Monday, April 19, 2010

Our God is Faithful

I am sure many of us have stories to tell of God's faithfulness in our lives. Let me share one of my experience with you. Last year many opportunities came along my way to serve God not just in the youth ministry, but in church events and even on a diocesan level. One of the church events was of course our 40th Anniversary celebrations where I was directing the drama for the dinner. The drama was challenging to say the least because it had to involve people from the 3 congregations and most of them were adults. So I had to learn to direct adults and it was a different experience than directing youths. And just when things were going well, some friction happened that threw me offtrack. I must admit that I almost gave up on the drama, I almost quit. But thank God we managed to pull through and things went well.

After that came the diocesan opportunity; to learn new things and work with different people. But it came almost immediately after the church event, and with the drama 'episode' still fresh on my mind, I turned it down. I felt I cannot do justice to what I had to be responsible for, in truth, I probably was being rebellious and fearful. These happened last year. So anyway, about 2 weeks ago, I was on my way to work when I told God I was sorry I didn't take up this diocesan ministry because of my fears and reluctance. I told him I was sorry I didn't get to serve him in that capacity, and how sad I felt. After all God has done for me, I was only thinking of myself and my comfort, I couldn't even do this for him...

Fast forward one week, I got a call from Pastor Moses about a big event that will be happening in September for the youths, by the youths. When he was speaking, I kept thinking of my prayer last week, how sad I felt for not taking up that responsibility, and here was God giving me another chance to serve him! How faithful is he? Awesome faithful! I do not deny this will be a challenge, and already I can feel the immense pressure, but I am also looking forward to it, of learning new things and experiences. There will always be opportunities for us to serve God wherever we are, in our schools, at home, in church, everywhere. All it takes is our willing hearts to go ahead and do it for God. So let's rise up and seize the day!

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