Saturday, June 19, 2010


I recently went on a trip to Perth and managed to meet up with Daniel, Joel and Sarah. It was lunch time when we met up so Sarah asked me what was my budget. I only thought about eating a roast beef sandwich so we walked to the end of the block to Subway but when we got there, it was packed! Man... so we decided to walk back where we came from trying to look for a place that wasn't so packed. And we saw our favourite, dependable McD. We could actually see a few places so we hopped in and sat down.

We had a nice lunch as well as catching up with news. They wanted to know what's going on in KK, how are the guys back home, and all the crazy stuff we'd done. Come to think of it, we HAVEN'T DONE any crazy stuff! How boring! We better quit youth and go rock at the Senior Citizen meetings.. am sure they're as bored as we are!

Anyway.... back to the subject of flying.. When I hear the 3 talking about their life there in Perth, discussing which bus to take, connect to where, about living as a student, I was brought back to my own student days in KL and realised that nothing much has changed. It's not nice being away from family, you have to fend for yourself, either be smart or act stupid while living your life away from your parents, you decide. It's just like you hear people saying that working life sucks more than student life but you haven't experienced it so you are attracted to getting your salary, your first car, credit card, etc.. you think working life is way better than student life, I mean, can anything be worse than your guru disiplin, or studying Moral, or Sejarah? One word, YUP!.. there are worse things than them, believe me! There's....and .... But.. you're not going to believe me anyway.. so.. just wait till you start working.... hehe

I am happy to see Daniel, Joel and Sarah living their lives there, adapting, enjoying and more importantly, going to cell groups and church. They also go out lunch after church service, just like we do here. I am happy that they have found friends and are living life. Praise God for his protection on them, and all our friends overseas.

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