Thursday, June 26, 2008

Finally... Photos

I did intend to post youth photos on this blog but didn't know how to do so, until now! Yeah.. I have managed to set up an account with Flickr.. sorry for the delay, I'm a slow learner, so sue me... hahah.. Anyway.. I will set up more photos asap ok?

The next two weeks will see new faces sharing Alpha.... (haha.. cool, don't have to see Caroline's face!) as I have to attend a wedding this Sat and go for another trip the following Sat. Sorry about this guys but I'm sure you will do fine without me.

One more thing I wanna bring your attention to is the Holy Spirit weekend scheduled for end of July. This is a Saturday away so you gotta pack your bags for an overnight stay. This will be fun and I'm looking forward to it. More details will be coming soon..

Friday, June 20, 2008

A Sight for Sore Eyes

You know, when God created us, he knew we would need someone to be around us, to help share the load, to laugh and to cry with, to share secrets and jokes with, that's why he created friends for us. Ah... friends, most of the time we can get along fine, we laugh together, learn, cry and hang out together. Sometimes friendship can get a bust up, fur will fly, tempers will be lost and harsh words spoken. But, if that friendship is forged strongly, then time will recover and smooth over the hurts and friends are friends again.

So anyway, I made a few tight friendships over the years in youth, and now, most of them are away from home and I'm missing them. This week has not been exactly the greatest week, I've been carrying around worries and burdens, workwise and other stuff. But thank God he knew that, and I got a sms from a dear friend a few days ago, she was also feeling moody and depressed so we got to sms-ing, updated each other on 'gossips'.. haha.. nolah, on what's been happening with our lives. And you know what, tight friendships ah, you can be separated by distance, but just a short sms, or msn do wonders to your spirit, and I was cheered up!

This afternoon, I again got a sms from her with an encouraging verse, then I bumped into two other buddies online.. and my day suddenly got better.. ah friends... I MISS YOU GUYS! Here's the encouraging verse that I received, may it encourage you as well.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:28-29

Thursday, June 19, 2008


We all make mistakes, don't we? If I asked, "hands up all those who have never made any mistakes in life", and if you put your hand up, I would have to say "liar, liar, pants on fire!" to your face! So, the truth is, we all make mistakes in life. I'm not talking about mistakes we make in our exam question papers, but rather, mistakes like... cheating, swearing, stealing, being unfaithful to your bf/gf (although I would advise you not to have a relationship while you're still studying!), disobedient to our parents.. the list goes on.

I have been thinking about this ever since I heard Archdeacon John's sermon last week, about the prodigal son. You know the story; the son went to his father and asked for his share of his inheritance, which is like rude, cos normally inheritance is given after the death of the father, but in this case, the son couldn't wait for the dad to die before getting his hands on the moolah! So the story continued; the dad gave him the money, and the son went off to live wildly; booze, sex, outrageous parties, name it, he did it. He spent money like water, like nobody's business and was up in the air! And he was up in the air until the money ran out and thumped, he fell to the ground. I bet all his friends deserted him like his money did because when you have money, all those friends and relatives seem to come out of nowhere, but when you have no money, they disappear just as fast! Hehe..

The main point of the story is, the son came to his senses (could be from the fall to the ground that resulted from the realisation of no more money.. hehe), realised his mistake and decided to go home and ask for his dad's forgiveness. AND... he decided that he's no longer fit to be called the son but instead just wanted to be a servant, makan gaji lah. That is repentance. So he got on the journey, the dad saw him from afar, was so happy he asked the servants to bring the best robes, the fattened calf and threw a big party in celebration. Reconciliation! Yea!

How many of us need to come to our senses about our mistakes? If you have, then come back to Jesus, ask for his forgiveness and be reconciled to him. If you haven't and are still in denial, well, don't wait any longer. When you're sorry for your mistakes, there is always one person who will accept you. Jesus.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Why & How Should I Read My Bible?

Our Alpha journey continued last Sat with a study on why and how should I read my bible. First thing new that we saw when we first got into Omega Hall is Luiz's arm. It was in a sling and he had his arm in a cast! Too much dota, I think, but I was wrong, he fractured his wrist while playing football and now is in a cast for 6 weeks. He told me he had a jab of morphine that made him high and funny for a while! Glad you're ok Luiz, and anyone, he needs a long stick in order to scratch his arm.. hahah.. so do him a favour huh?

We had also saw a new friend Kimberly, brought by Hannah T, and we also saw another friend, Natasha, Joel's friend. I am greatly encouraged that they are bringing friends and may I continue to call the rest of the youths to bring your friends to Alpha, to youth and if you see any of the youths in church who doesn't attend youth meeting, go talk to them, make friends with them and invite them to our youth meeting! Come on, let's rise up and reach out!

So last Sat we learnt about the Bible, how it's an amazing book, the best seller of all times, it's a life changing book cos it's so powerful. We have all had amazing experiences when we read the Bible, haven't we? It's God's way of communicating with us, the Bible, so isn't that amazing already? And it also helps us build a relationship with God so we know what is his will for us.

I think Alpha is really cool because we learn new things and relearn things we've forgotten so I hope everyone pays attention when the sharing is being done, huh? Oh yeah.. and we ended with refreshment, Aaron brought tuna buns and they were great! Absolutely great. I understand it has something to do with 'toes'... hahahahah... sorry, just a little joke. I'm sure he didn't make it with his toes! Kidding, kidding! Man.. youth is fun, and it's all because of you! Yup, YOU! So continue to make youth a fun place to be k? I know those away from home are sure missing us! We miss you too!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Away From Home - Leon

To DOTA or Not to DOTA??

Now some of you may have faced with this question before and I must say asking the "rationale" of it would be your parents (more often that not). And then there's the age old question of wether Christians should be restricted from certain games, books, movies etc etc.

For me, frankly speaking I clock in to DOTA an average of 2-3 hours a day .. more so on the weekends and to me, DOTA is just a GAME. Period.

Then what about all those "news" of people being possessed or evil influences from these so called games (i would say games that have a cultic influence or references to the bible like Diablo or even Constantine). The only thing I can say is that IF you are OBSSESSED with the GAME then it is possible that it can be a door for evil spirits. Now evil spirits here does not only point to the "nasty" ones so to say, but even the spirit of laziness, distraction or even procrastination are also spirits...if somewhat lesser.

But for more "practicle" reasons, don't want to scare you all about spiritual stuff ... just yet hehehehe.

"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us" (Heb 12:1)
This verse takes about every WEIGHT and SIN that ensnares us. Now I'm not saying that playing DOTA is a sin but is playing DOTA WEIGHTING you down on the more important things that require your priority? Be honest now.
Like I shared at the youths, good priorites in your life help you make good decisions. If it is taking too much or your time (and money) i'm pretty sure you are dangerously close to being obsessed with the game and I would advised you to step away from it and set your priorities straight.

I have 3 friends that used to be OBSESSED with DOTA. 2 of them spend like almost RM 400 a month just on DOTA alone and had to be transfered to a different collage to continue to pursue their studies because their results were too bad in the previous college. One had a blood clot in his brain and needed a operation because the blood clot caused a minor stroke due to the fact he was playing DOTA for 2 months without getting much rest.

You might be saying but these cases are a bit too extreme what ...that's so not me. Well, have you ever thought "when I finally leave for my uni/collage I'll have FREEDOM to do anything I want". If you cannot manage your priorites even with you parents around, chances are your priorities would be pretty much screw up when you reach uni/collage without your parents supervision. And well maybe you won't get a blood clot like my friend did or transferring to another collage because you fail too many subjects, but you'll certainly not live up to your full potential like only doing assignments and projects at the last minute or skipping classes because of a DOTA session that went too late.

We have to be honest with ourselves. Yes I do agree that DOTA is a good session for bonding with friends as well as a good relaxation tool, hey even I use it often enough to start a conversation with friends that I don't know too well. BUT like I said earlier, what are your priorities?

"PLAY the game but don't let the game PLAY you"

I hope all of you (especially the guys) do some thinking and reflecting because all in all I want all of you to grow up to be equip to face the "challanges and pleasures" that this world we throw at you .. and no doubt we will fall at times, but don't let the fall be permenant but conitue on each day knowing that in whatever you do, you are glorifying the Lord. God bless you all !!

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." (Mat 5:16)

Bro far far away


Friday, June 6, 2008

Recipe - Lemon Cheese Cake

Hey everyone, here's another recipe to try out. And guys, if you think baking is sissy, well, talk to Waltson, he'll put you straight, hahaha.. and, in my house, my brother is the expert in making this cake, really! (He's certainly more passionate about it than I am) And it's yummy too!

A tip; feel free to cut or add more sugar to your liking and taste ya? I always believe recipes should be tweaked and changed to suit your own taste. Cooking isn't rigid lah, but that's just me.

200 gm Marie biscuit
8 oz Butter
1 Lemon
1 cup Hot water
1 packet Lemon or Lime flavoured Jelly (Large packet)
1 tin Evaporated milk
¼ cup Sugar
1 packet Philadelphia cream cheese

1. Crush the biscuit in a blender, or use pestle and mortar. Sieve the crumbs.
2. In a saucepan, melt the butter then add the biscuit crumbs in, mix well.
3. Put the biscuit mixture into pan, press down firmly.
4. In a mixing bowl, put in the cream cheese. With a mixer, beat the cheese till it’s creamy, slowly add the milk, mix well.
5. Add the sugar to the cheese mixture and mix well.
6. Grate the lemon rind, set aside.
7. Squeeze the juice from the lemon. Add the lemon rind.
8. Add the jelly to the hot water and stir to dissolve completely. Add the lemon juice. Pour the jelly into the cheese mixture. Mix well.
9. Pour no. (8) mixture over biscuit base and chill in fridge until firm.

Try not to pig out on this by yourself k? At least call me to taste some lah!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


(Taken from God's Little Devotional Book for Teens)

The letters RSVP stand for the French phrase repondez s'il vous plait... or, "please respond." This phrase on an invitation asks that you let the host or hostess know whether you plan to attend the function. Every invitation marked with RSVP requires that you call or write the host to let them know that you either will or will not be there.

Occasionally, a handwritten invitation will say, "RSVP, regrets only." In this case, you are required to notify the host only if you will not be attending. However, a truly thoughtful guest who plans to attend will call or mail a note to the host to thank them for the invitation and to confirm that he or she will attend.

Imagine that you planned a catered party for fifty guests and you were paying RM25 per guest. Then imagine that half your guests failed to respond, and ten of them did not show up. You would be spending RM250 for people who simply were not considerate enough to let you know that they could not be present. Would you consider those people to be thoughtful friends?

The most important RSVP in all of life is our response to God's invitation to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. Have you sent your RSVP?

If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

Down & Out

Hey everyone, sorry for not writing these few days, I've been sick as a dog and didn't feel like writing anything.. have sore throat, cold and cough all roll in one.. a 3 in one illness, I guess. Urgh.. went to see the chinese doctor this morning and she said I have throat infection and gave me this vile tasting black liquid to take twice a day and four little red pills. Seems to be doing the trick, my cough is lessening but the sore throat is still bugging me. Hope I will get well before the weekend!

How is your holiday so far? Been fun? Or still attending classes like some schools are prone to do? Hope it's been a nice two weeks for you all.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Away From Home - Waltson

Hey guys.....sorry havent been writing much lately,been vry busy with assignments n work.Well,i went 2 church yesterday which was a sat night.And what Rev Khee Vun(FCC pastor) preached really opened my eyes.

Offering or tithing has somewhat become a law in some of our eyes.We feel that it is an obligation to give to the Lord.But let's look at it in one angle.Lets say u r married.The concept is this,after u get married.Men,your money is ur money,ur money is also ur wife's money.Haha.sorry i had 2 poke abit of fun here.Lol.But it is a fact.So practically we can say that a wife would get abt half of what her husband has.isnt that alot??50%!!!But yet we still give.So lets look at tithing.10% am i right?Of what you have.Isnt that considerably such a small amount?God only ask us for 10% of what we have,unlike wives who get 50%.Haha...this is just a comparison la.But can u guys see my point?We do not give out of obligation,but out of love.For God loves a cheerful giver.

I would just like to take a simple mum.Eventhough she's only a teacher,yet she never fails to give her tithings,or even more than that.That is 1 thing I truly respect her for.As much as my family is not very rich,u noe la have 2 support thomson who is studying med which aint cheap,my mum by hook or by crook would give her tithe.Why?Because she loves God very much.Yes,for those who aren't working,we may not be able to give tithes.But what about offering?I remember when I used to be in youth.I remember seeing the offering bag going round and coming back with almost nothing at all.Yes,youths aren't rich n all.But even RM2 woould make a diff.There was once when I looked into d offering bag and I saw a RM50.Whoever gave that offering,I said a little prayer in my heart."God,bless the person who has given you out of love".So I really do hope that we would start giving regularly not because we're obligated,but because we love God and we want to help in His work.God Bless~

Member's Blogging - Jenny

This was the write-up about the trip to Telupid on 30th May.

7.00am: Prayer Meeting at ASC. We prayed for almost everything.

8.00am: Stomach started to growl and food was just there for us. hehe.. Breakfast time. We had fried mee and fried mee hoon.

9.30am: Departure to Ranau. I was the assistant for our Bus 4. I think everyone had a great time except me.. hehee... well, thank God that everything went well. We also prayed for safety journey.

11.30am: Before reaching Ranau, we prayed some more...

12.15pm: Lunch at Ranau...

1.30pm: Some entertainment from 'Set Apart' team. We sang some songs to relax ourselves.

2.00pm: Departure to Telupid. Not forgetting to pray. Important.

4.00pm: We reached Telupid, and AD John Yeo treated us to aftenoon tea before going into Valley of Blessing... Yummy... hehe...

5.00pm: Inside Valley of Blessings. The guys wanted to find the river but ended up searching for 'dry river'.. hahahahhe.The girls... well, I think they prefer something less tough.....hahah.. so we ended up sitting there and looking pretty... =)

6.10pm: Dinner. The food tasted really nice. Yummy.

7.00pm: The event began. Started off with praise & worship, followed by Bishop's Message, thereafter, programme presentations by 4 tribes, gifts presentations, ending.

11.00pm: We ended at this time and due to traffic, we had to walk for about 5min to our bus outside.

11.10pm: Departure to KK and we also prayed for journey mercy.

3.00am: Home sweet home.