Monday, June 9, 2008

Away From Home - Leon

To DOTA or Not to DOTA??

Now some of you may have faced with this question before and I must say asking the "rationale" of it would be your parents (more often that not). And then there's the age old question of wether Christians should be restricted from certain games, books, movies etc etc.

For me, frankly speaking I clock in to DOTA an average of 2-3 hours a day .. more so on the weekends and to me, DOTA is just a GAME. Period.

Then what about all those "news" of people being possessed or evil influences from these so called games (i would say games that have a cultic influence or references to the bible like Diablo or even Constantine). The only thing I can say is that IF you are OBSSESSED with the GAME then it is possible that it can be a door for evil spirits. Now evil spirits here does not only point to the "nasty" ones so to say, but even the spirit of laziness, distraction or even procrastination are also spirits...if somewhat lesser.

But for more "practicle" reasons, don't want to scare you all about spiritual stuff ... just yet hehehehe.

"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us" (Heb 12:1)
This verse takes about every WEIGHT and SIN that ensnares us. Now I'm not saying that playing DOTA is a sin but is playing DOTA WEIGHTING you down on the more important things that require your priority? Be honest now.
Like I shared at the youths, good priorites in your life help you make good decisions. If it is taking too much or your time (and money) i'm pretty sure you are dangerously close to being obsessed with the game and I would advised you to step away from it and set your priorities straight.

I have 3 friends that used to be OBSESSED with DOTA. 2 of them spend like almost RM 400 a month just on DOTA alone and had to be transfered to a different collage to continue to pursue their studies because their results were too bad in the previous college. One had a blood clot in his brain and needed a operation because the blood clot caused a minor stroke due to the fact he was playing DOTA for 2 months without getting much rest.

You might be saying but these cases are a bit too extreme what ...that's so not me. Well, have you ever thought "when I finally leave for my uni/collage I'll have FREEDOM to do anything I want". If you cannot manage your priorites even with you parents around, chances are your priorities would be pretty much screw up when you reach uni/collage without your parents supervision. And well maybe you won't get a blood clot like my friend did or transferring to another collage because you fail too many subjects, but you'll certainly not live up to your full potential like only doing assignments and projects at the last minute or skipping classes because of a DOTA session that went too late.

We have to be honest with ourselves. Yes I do agree that DOTA is a good session for bonding with friends as well as a good relaxation tool, hey even I use it often enough to start a conversation with friends that I don't know too well. BUT like I said earlier, what are your priorities?

"PLAY the game but don't let the game PLAY you"

I hope all of you (especially the guys) do some thinking and reflecting because all in all I want all of you to grow up to be equip to face the "challanges and pleasures" that this world we throw at you .. and no doubt we will fall at times, but don't let the fall be permenant but conitue on each day knowing that in whatever you do, you are glorifying the Lord. God bless you all !!

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." (Mat 5:16)

Bro far far away


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