Thursday, June 5, 2008


(Taken from God's Little Devotional Book for Teens)

The letters RSVP stand for the French phrase repondez s'il vous plait... or, "please respond." This phrase on an invitation asks that you let the host or hostess know whether you plan to attend the function. Every invitation marked with RSVP requires that you call or write the host to let them know that you either will or will not be there.

Occasionally, a handwritten invitation will say, "RSVP, regrets only." In this case, you are required to notify the host only if you will not be attending. However, a truly thoughtful guest who plans to attend will call or mail a note to the host to thank them for the invitation and to confirm that he or she will attend.

Imagine that you planned a catered party for fifty guests and you were paying RM25 per guest. Then imagine that half your guests failed to respond, and ten of them did not show up. You would be spending RM250 for people who simply were not considerate enough to let you know that they could not be present. Would you consider those people to be thoughtful friends?

The most important RSVP in all of life is our response to God's invitation to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. Have you sent your RSVP?

If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

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