Friday, May 9, 2008

BGR - A Little Quiz for Girls

Do You Understand Guys?

1. When a guy asks you out, you:
a. let him pick you up
b. tell him you’ll meet him there
c. decide where you want to go and tell him you’ll just pick him up

2. When you get dressed in the morning, you:
a. put on whatever you feel best in
b. try things on over and over ‘til you find just the right outfit that will get his attention.
c. Put on sweats or basketball shorts – life is too short to worry about matching outfits and shoes

3. If you have a hard time opening your water bottle, you:
a. ask you best friend to help you
b. hand it over to the closest guy and say, “would you mind opening this for me?”
c. just twist as hard as you can ‘til eventually you get it open – I mean, nothing is going to beat you!

4. When a guy calls you:
a. you end the conversation first
b. he ends the conversation first
c. you wait till there is total silence and finally say, “well, it’s been nice talking to you”

5. When a guy opens the car door for you, you:
a. reach over to his side and unlock his before he gets in the car
b. smile and say thank you, but you don’t reach over and unlock his door
c. tell him, “I can get the door myself, thank you very much”

6. At a restaurant with a guy, you:
a. never eat much, ‘cos you feel self-conscious when you eat
b. order a big meal but only eat a few bites, to look dainty
c. order a good sized meal and eat it all; food is good and you like to eat it!

7. When you start crushing on a guy, you:
a. try to be where he is as often as you can so he notices you
b. tell your friend to tell him you like him
c. just pray that he will ask you – you hate to flirt

8. If a guy friend you don’t like romantically asks you on a date, you:
a. tell him, “sorry, I’m just not interested in you like that”
b. say yes, because it’s just too hard to say no
c. tell him, “Bug off, you reject!”

9. When you are at a party, you:
a. find all your girlfriends and spend the night gabbing with them
b. find the guy you like and make conversation with him
c. sit on the couch waiting for someone to come talk with you

10. If you are mad at your guy friend, you:
a. give him the silent treatment ‘til he asks you what’s wrong
b. give him a lecture about how not to hurt you
c. tell him he hurt you and let him apologize or explain

Time to get your score. Add up all your points:

1. a=1, b=3, c=3 6. a=3, b=3, c=1
2. a=2, b=1, c=3. 7. a=1, b=2, c=3
3. a=2, b=1, c=3 8. a=1, b=3, c=3
4. a=1, b=3, c=2 9. a=1, b=3, c=3
5 a=2, b=1, c=3 10. a=3, b=3, c=1

10 – 13: Good Reader. Guys are an open book, and you love reading them. You really get guys. You know what they like and how to act around them. You are a catch. Guys are glad you are the way you are, so keep up the good work. Mr. Perfect is out there looking for you.

14 – 25: Study Up. You’ve done your studying, but you still need to do your homework. You aren’t totally clueless about guys, just a bit spacey sometimes. Concentrate. You can do this. Guys are different from girls – remember that and you’ll be the talk of the town.

26 – 30: Clueless about the Opposite Sex! You came to the right place, sister! It’s time to figure out guys.

Note: This is just for fun, and it's not meant as an approval to go dating! hahahahaha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My result? hahaha... SECRET.........