Friday, May 16, 2008

Member's Blogging - Jenny


1. The coolest girl in your class is throwing a costume party, and a bunch of your gal pals decide to dress as pop stars (i.e. Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, etc.) You decide to
a. hit the mall and search for something "steamy."
b. go in a costume that won't be revealing, even if that means doing your own thing.
c. find the most non-revealing, but still sexy outfit.

2. Are you angry at the fact that you're not allowed to wear whatever you want in order to protect your brothers in Christ?
a. Sometimes. I don't understand why I have to dress appropriately, but I still feel obligated to do so.
b. Yes. I'm upset because it seems like I've no freedom of choice.
c. No. I understand that I need to put others above my own interests.

3. How would you describe your crush?
a. Cute, fun, nice
b. Hot, sexy, fun to flirt with
c. Godly, moral character, complementary personality

4. How do you think about and act around guys?
a. In general, my thoughts, actions, words and appearance glorify Christ and honor the opposite sex.
b. I know what is attractive to guys, and I have to admit that I take advantage of that.
c. Sometimes it's tempting to become a person who takes advantage of guys, but I also know that modesty is expected of me.

5. When you're hanging out with your guy friends, what does the conversation center on?
a. Flirty banter
b. Not too different from your girlfriends — minus the shopping
c. A little bit of both — flirtatiousness and casual conversation

6. You and your date for the homecoming dance have different ideas about what is and isn't classified as dancing. Let's just say your mom wouldn't approve of his way. You
a. are a little confused, but follow his lead. You imitate the other girls on the dance floor who don't seem to mind it at all.
b. tell him to find another partner. You really want to dance, but not like that.
c. decide that this is how dances are.

7. What do you spend the most time trying to improve about yourself?
a. Hair, makeup, clothing, body
b. Character
c. Um, that's convicting. I should focus more on my character, but I probably spend more time on my appearance.

8. You drop your pencil on the floor at school, and you're wearing a new V-neck sweater. You
a. bend over at the waist and give the class a nice view of your bust.
b. bend over at the waist, holding your shirt in place, making sure nothing inappropriate shows. c. aren't sure what you'd do, but have probably done both.

1. a=3, b=1, c=2
2. a=2, b=3, c=1
3. a=2, b=3, c=1
4. a=1, b=3, c=2
5. a=3, b=1, c=2
6. a=2, b=1, c=3
7. a=3, b=1, c=2
8. a=3, b=1, c=2

Under 12 points You have a grasp of modesty at its best. Your behavior can be commended. Stay aware of those issues so you'll continue growing into a godly woman.

12-20 pointsYou want to honor God, but when it comes to modesty you don't always know how or why to be modest. Your heart is right. Continue seeking God with those issues and He'll bring you understanding.

More than 20 points Whether you're aware of it or not, your behavior and attitude in the area of modesty doesn't always honor God. Think about your motives for your behavior. Then pray that you'd desire righteous living.

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