Thursday, May 15, 2008


(Source unknown)

As I was walking down life's highway, I came upon a sign that read "Heaven's Grocery Store." When I got a little closer, the doors swung open wide and I walked through the entrance. I saw a host of angels. One handed me a shopping cart and instructed me to fill it.

I headed down the aisles and noticed that everything anyone would ever need was in that store. Just when I began to wonder how I would ever carry everything, an angel approached me and said, "Whatever you can't carry, you can come back for."

I first grabbed some Patience. Then I found a huge box of Understanding. Can't have too much of that, I mused. So I grabbed an extra box. Then I noticed Love in the same row and put an oversized load of that in my cart.

Next I got some Wisdom and a couple of bags of Faith. I couldn't overlook Charity, so I grabbed that too. Oh my goodness, I thought, the Holy Spirit's here! He's all over the place - plentiful as can be! So I took a generous helping and then came upon Strength.

Realising I'd need that to help me through the tough times ahead, I didn't hesitate to put some in my cart. And then I came upon Courage. Gotta have that, too.

My cart was getting full, but I remembered I needed Grace. Then I chose Salvation and rejoiced inwardly that it was free. Wow! I thought. I've got everything I need to do God's will.

But as I moved toward the cashier, I noticed Prayer. I'll need a lot of that, I reasoned, because when I step outside this store, I'll be stepping right into a world of sin. So I stocked up on Prayer and couldn't help but notice Peace and Joy. They were plentiful, so I helped myself. And right next to the cashier's counter, I noticed Praise and Worship, so I placed them on top.

Then I said to the angel working the cash register, "How much do I owe?"

But he just smiled and said, "Take them everywhere you go."

So I repeated the question: "Really, How much do I owe?"

"My child," he said, "God paid your bill a long, long time ago."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very touching... I like this post. =)